Peter is an inside guy who works in the movie industry.
Worked. I retired from Hollywood level film-making at 55, twenty years ago.
He's a director himself.
I do have substantial directing experience, but that's not me. There are more than one Peter McLennans in the world. This is my IMDB entry: first-hand experience is more valuable than looking up stuff in Google which wouldn't necessarily provide inside knowledge about what really goes on behind the scenes. It's disappointing to not get his input.
Sorry to disappoint you. There is ample "behind the scenes" literature available for anyone interested in informing themselves on the nature of the film business.
My first hand experience does include substantial time on sets where firearms were used and the protocols in place then were similar to those used today. The Armorer is in charge of firearms on set. He or she works under the Special Effects department which is ultimately responsible to the producer.
My understanding is that the legal responsibility for production safety rests with the producer. I do understand the importance of safety protocols to producers, cast and crew. I have safety-related (a death) across-the-desk experience with Hollywood lawyers who were considerably above my pay grade.
The Assistant Director position is poorly titled. He or she works in the producer's interest, not the director's, and is the hour by hour manager of the shooting crew, responsible for the legal, efficient and safe operation of the set during principal photography.
As far as I know, there is no job title of "Associate Director" in the motion picture business.
My problem with you, Alan, is that you purport to be an expert on everything from geomorphology to geopolitics. Your constant trolling and baiting without underlying substance is tiresome and irresponsible. Since this is the political forum, I'll say that it's also typical of many problems exhibited currently by those on the right hand side of the political spectrum.
"Alternative facts" and "Fake News" are themselves fictions, invented to deceive those without the inclination to learn truth.