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Author Topic: Bear Pit: now the sole domicile of politics at LuLa  (Read 610754 times)

Alan Klein

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Re: Bear Pit: now the sole domicile of politics at LuLa
« Reply #11980 on: October 25, 2021, 06:14:26 pm »

Meanwhile, you won't answer a question regarding your own assertion. Which oil pipelines has Biden shut down?
He shut down the completion of the XL on the first day in office.  That would have transported upwards of 830,000 barrels of oil a day.  Thousands of good paying American construction jobs were lost.  Other companies will now pull back on proceeding with other pipelines.  They'll be concerned Biden might shut down theirs as well.   


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Re: Bear Pit: now the sole domicile of politics at LuLa
« Reply #11981 on: October 25, 2021, 06:39:12 pm »

This is a forum.  We're supposed to discuss things.

This is a forum for discussion and not a search engine for basic information that you can easily find yourself.

If we looked everything up in Google, we wouldn't need LuLa at all.

If we look up basic information before posting it avoids making false assertions or wasting other people's time answering basic questions which can be answered easily with a quick search. It frees up time for more complex discussions instead of dealing with false assertions, baseless speculation, and basic questions.

It was you who asserted that it was an "Associate Producer" who handed the gun to the actor.  My intent was to point out that, yet again, you made assertions based on misinformation.
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Alan Klein

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Re: Bear Pit: now the sole domicile of politics at LuLa
« Reply #11982 on: October 25, 2021, 06:51:01 pm »

This is a forum for discussion and not a search engine for basic information that you can easily find yourself.

If we look up basic information before posting it avoids making false assertions or wasting other people's time answering basic questions which can be answered easily with a quick search. It frees up time for more complex discussions instead of dealing with false assertions, baseless speculation, and basic questions.

Oh please.  When you sit around discussing things with your friends, does everyone check things with Google on their cellphone before they ask a question?  Who socializes like that?

"Hey Joe.  I'm going out later to take pictures.  Do you know if it's going to rain?"

"Why ask me?  Look it up on Google.  I'm busing charging my batteries."


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Re: Bear Pit: now the sole domicile of politics at LuLa
« Reply #11983 on: October 25, 2021, 07:05:52 pm »

Oh please.  When you sit around discussing things with your friends

Oh please. We're not having a verbal conversation with friends here. It's an internet forum with people taking time from their day to type out replies to your false assertions while you run them around in circles.

They often provide you with additional evidence thru links or quotes which you frequently ignore and continue with the same repetitious responses. Worse, you habitually ignore what they've taken the time to write and then just make up a statement and pretend they've written it; you then respond to your own made up statement instead of what they've actually taken the time to write to you. It's a big waste of time, but you seem to enjoy it.

Who socializes like that?

No one that I know. Most of us wouldn't have friends very long if we responded to them in the way you reply to strangers on this forum.
« Last Edit: October 25, 2021, 07:40:02 pm by TechTalk »
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Re: Bear Pit: now the sole domicile of politics at LuLa
« Reply #11984 on: October 25, 2021, 08:42:26 pm »

He shut down the completion of the XL on the first day in office.

That's the pipeline you mentioned at the very beginning of your repetitious blame Biden for high gas prices rant and it never existed. You said "Biden shutdown thre [the] XL pipeline" and pointed to it as a reason for gas prices increasing. How does a nonexistent pipeline, which would take years to construct, cause an increase in current gas prices? Where is the logic in that?

Can you explain why you pointed to that as the reason for gas prices increasing? Does the nonexistent pipeline also account for the 34% increase in gas prices during Trump's final 9-months in office or does it only account for the 37% increase during Biden's first 9-months?

It's only now that have you shown any acknowledgment that it is not an existing pipeline. Only now, after it's been pointed out to you multiple times that it never existed, have you referred to "the completion of" the XL pipeline.

Until now, you've only referred to it as being "shut down" or said "If he kept the XL pipeline open" with no indication from you that it never existed or had only begun construction. Only after it was made clear to you that the XL pipeline never existed, did you then begin referring to "Biden's shutdown of the oil pipelines" [plural] generically, rather than risk the embarrassment of mentioning the XL again.

The only reason that you're mentioning the XL now is because you've been asked repeatedly—Which oil pipelines has Biden shut down?—and the reason behind your refusal to answer was becoming increasingly clear. You can't find a single oil pipeline that Biden has shut down, despite your claim that he has shut down multiple pipelines [plural]. Actually, you said that Biden shut down "the oil pipelines" which would indicate that he shut all of them down, but we can just attribute that to your bad habit of making broad statements about nearly anything and everything.

So, the question remains: Which oil pipelines has Biden shut down? If you prefer, you can answer: When did Biden shut down "the oil pipelines"?—as it's the most recent version 2.0 of your assertion.
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Alan Klein

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Re: Bear Pit: now the sole domicile of politics at LuLa
« Reply #11985 on: October 25, 2021, 08:44:44 pm »

Oh please. We're not having a verbal conversation with friends here. It's an internet forum with people taking time from their day to type out replies to your false assertions while you run them around in circles.

They often provide you with additional evidence thru links or quotes which you frequently ignore and continue with the same repetitious responses. Worse, you habitually ignore what they've taken the time to write and then just make up a statement and pretend they've written it; you then respond to your own made up statement instead of what they've actually taken the time to write to you. It's a big waste of time, but you seem to enjoy it.

No one that I know. Most of us wouldn't have friends very long if we responded to them in the way you reply to strangers on this forum.
First, people ask deliberately unimportant questions and red herrings to obfuscate points I'm making.  I'm not going to waste my time playing games with them.    I'll answer the questions I want to answer and you answer the questions you want to answer.  That's how a debate works.  If my debating style frustrates them, good.  It must be working. 

Second, you post a lot of links to "prove" your points.  The fallacy with that is how do you know the articles are true and not just a lot of political subversion?  Claiming your opinions are facts because they copy what some idiot says in an article doesn't make it the truth.  How do you know they're not fudging the truth and making things up.  Plus, you cherry-pick the articles that prove your point.  I know that trick because I do the same. ;)


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Re: Bear Pit: now the sole domicile of politics at LuLa
« Reply #11986 on: October 25, 2021, 08:53:32 pm »

If my debating style frustrates them, good.

It does and I've pointed out that you enjoy baiting people into circular arguments that lead nowhere and inform no one.

It must be working. 

For you perhaps, but I wouldn't jump to the conclusion that others feel the same.
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Alan Klein

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Re: Bear Pit: now the sole domicile of politics at LuLa
« Reply #11987 on: October 25, 2021, 08:57:05 pm »

That's the pipeline you mentioned at the very beginning of your repetitious blame Biden for high gas prices rant and it never existed. You said "Biden shutdown thre [the] XL pipeline" and pointed to it as a reason for gas prices increasing. How does a nonexistent pipeline, which would take years to construct, cause an increase in current gas prices? Where is the logic in that?

Can you explain why you pointed to that as the reason for gas prices increasing? Does the nonexistent pipeline also account for the 34% increase in gas prices during Trump's final 9-months in office or does it only account for the 37% increase during Biden's first 9-months?

It's only now that have you shown any acknowledgment that it is not an existing pipeline. Only now, after it's been pointed out to you multiple times that it never existed, have you referred to "the completion of" the XL pipeline.

Until now, you've only referred to it as being "shut down" or said "If he kept the XL pipeline open" with no indication from you that it never existed or had only begun construction. Only after it was made clear to you that the XL pipeline never existed, did you then begin referring to "Biden's shutdown of the oil pipelines" [plural] generically, rather than risk the embarrassment of mentioning the XL again.

The only reason that you're mentioning the XL now is because you've been asked repeatedly—Which oil pipelines has Biden shut down?—and the reason behind your refusal to answer was becoming increasingly clear. You can't find a single oil pipeline that Biden has shut down, despite your claim that he has shut down multiple pipelines [plural]. Actually, you said that Biden shut down "the oil pipelines" which would indicate that he shut all of them down, but we can just attribute that to your bad habit of making broad statements about nearly anything and everything.

So, the question remains: Which oil pipelines has Biden shut down? If you prefer, you can answer: When did Biden shut down "the oil pipelines"?—as it's the most recent version 2.0 of your assertion.
You're taking the XL pipeline out of context and deliberately singling it out as the only thing I said.  I stated over and over in different ways that Biden's action against fossil fuels including XL shutdown, stopping drilling in federal lands, additional regulation, and other acts against fossil fuels have put a damper on domestic oil production.  Who's going to invest in new wells and pipelines when the government might shut you down in the middle of construction?  Domestic oil companies will drill offshore taking their business to other countries rather than chance drilling here.  So now Biden has to beg the Arabs to produce more oil to keep the price down and production up.  If you think I'm wrong that people don't blame Biden, you haven't been looking at the polls. 

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Re: Bear Pit: now the sole domicile of politics at LuLa
« Reply #11988 on: October 25, 2021, 09:03:40 pm »

It does and I've pointed out that you enjoy baiting people into circular arguments that lead nowhere and inform no one.

For you perhaps, but I wouldn't jump to the conclusion that others feel the same.
Maybe they have to up their debating style.  The fact is I'm often attacked personally rather than my points.  Actually, I give you credit.  You attack my points more than others who rather attack me.  You'd be better off not being so wordy.  No one can read your long posts.  You get lost in the weeds.  Be a little briefer.  Les is pretty good at this.  I try to learn from him.  Chris is pretty good too.  Me?  I repeat myself too much.  So we all can learn a little. 


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Re: Bear Pit: now the sole domicile of politics at LuLa
« Reply #11989 on: October 25, 2021, 09:09:06 pm »

you post a lot of links to "prove" your points.

No, I post links to provide additional information for those who would like to dig deeper into a topic or to examine evidence directly from a source.

The fallacy with that is how do you know the articles are true and not just a lot of political subversion?

By examining and evaluating the evidence presented and the credibility and credentials of those cited.

Claiming your opinions are facts because they copy what some idiot says in an article doesn't make it the truth.

Ah, living thru the Post Truth Era of alternative facts. This is why we can't have nice things anymore.

How do you know they're not fudging the truth and making things up.[?]

By examining and evaluating the evidence presented and the credibility and credentials of those cited.

Plus, you cherry-pick the articles that prove your point.

I provide sources for those that want to examine and evaluate the evidence I've presented and the credibility and credentials of those cited.

I know that trick because I do the same.

Not nearly often enough and not very well.
« Last Edit: October 26, 2021, 05:37:52 am by TechTalk »
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Re: Bear Pit: now the sole domicile of politics at LuLa
« Reply #11990 on: October 25, 2021, 09:18:12 pm »

You're taking the XL pipeline out of context and deliberately singling it out as the only thing I said.

Actually, I'm asking you... Which oil pipelines has Biden shut down? If you prefer, you can answer: When did Biden shut down "the oil pipelines"?—as it's the most recent version 2.0 of your assertion.

It's your assertion. I'm asking you for some evidence of that assertion.

As for the XL pipeline, we now all know that it never existed, even you. It appears that you didn't know that when you pointed to it earlier based on your own statements at the time. You later changed your assertion to a generic and plural one: ""Biden's shutdown of the oil pipelines". Which ones? When?
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Re: Bear Pit: now the sole domicile of politics at LuLa
« Reply #11991 on: October 25, 2021, 09:24:20 pm »

The fact is I'm often attacked personally rather than my points.

The fact is that when people point out that an assertion you've made is false, you often take it personally and claim you're a victim to avoid a response. But, not before generally leading them on a wild goose chase.
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Alan Klein

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Re: Bear Pit: now the sole domicile of politics at LuLa
« Reply #11992 on: October 25, 2021, 09:24:51 pm »

No, I post links to provide additional information for those would like to dig deeper into a topic or to examine evidence directly from a source.

By examining and evaluating the evidence presented and the credibility and credentials of those cited.

Ah, living thru the Post Truth Era of alternative facts. This is why we can't have nice things anymore.

By examining and evaluating the evidence presented and the credibility and credentials of those cited.

I provide sources for those that want to examine and evaluate the evidence I've presented and the credibility and credentials of those cited.

Not nearly often enough and not very well.
Confirmation bias on your part.  Everyone does that.  That's why there is no "truth" and it's all just opinion.  The whole argument the left makes that they tell the truth and the right lies is just ego blindness on their part and a way to silence those they disagree with.  You think that your brain operates without ego.  Sorry.  You're just like everyone else.  Nothing wrong with it though.  But we need humility to understand that we all put our thumbs on the scale.  No one's immuned. 

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Re: Bear Pit: now the sole domicile of politics at LuLa
« Reply #11993 on: October 25, 2021, 09:26:44 pm »

Actually, I'm asking you... Which oil pipelines has Biden shut down? If you prefer, you can answer: When did Biden shut down "the oil pipelines"?—as it's the most recent version 2.0 of your assertion.

It's your assertion. I'm asking you for some evidence of that assertion.

As for the XL pipeline, we now all know that it never existed, even you. It appears that you didn't know that when you pointed to it earlier based on your own statements at the time. You later changed your assertion to a generic and plural one: ""Biden's shutdown of the oil pipelines". Which ones? When?
Asked and answered.  Multiple times.


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Re: Bear Pit: now the sole domicile of politics at LuLa
« Reply #11994 on: October 25, 2021, 09:27:26 pm »

That's why there is no "truth" and it's all just opinion.

That you believe that is often apparent in your posts.
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Re: Bear Pit: now the sole domicile of politics at LuLa
« Reply #11995 on: October 25, 2021, 09:28:23 pm »

The fact is that when people point out that an assertion you've made is false, you often take it personally and claim you're a victim to avoid a response. But, not before generally leading them on a wild goose chase.
The person who most attacked me personally the most is gone.  I think he's been banned again for his personal assaults. 


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Re: Bear Pit: now the sole domicile of politics at LuLa
« Reply #11996 on: October 25, 2021, 09:30:59 pm »

Asked and answered.  Multiple times.

Never answered and never will be because there have been no pipelines shut down by Biden and you probably realize that by now—but you won't admit it.
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Re: Bear Pit: now the sole domicile of politics at LuLa
« Reply #11997 on: October 25, 2021, 09:33:54 pm »

Never answered and never will be because there have been no pipelines shut down by Biden and you probably realize that by now—but you won't admit it.
The XL pipeline was shut down in the middle of construction by Biden.  You're playing word games. 


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Re: Bear Pit: now the sole domicile of politics at LuLa
« Reply #11998 on: October 25, 2021, 09:38:25 pm »

The person who most attacked me personally the most is gone.

Says the guy who has accused myself and others of lying, called another poster a coward, attributed the most vile racist thoughts to me and another, and falsely attributed ugly racist statements to someone else. Your victim role has been overplayed and worn thin a long time ago.

Two formerly regular posters left after the last incident in disgust and have never returned.
« Last Edit: October 25, 2021, 09:46:12 pm by TechTalk »
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Re: Bear Pit: now the sole domicile of politics at LuLa
« Reply #11999 on: October 25, 2021, 09:44:13 pm »

The [Keystone] XL pipeline [extension] was shut down in the middle of construction

It was halted at 8% which is hardly the middle and was doomed from the start because of the idiotic route that was chosen. That's why the thousands of miles of the Keystone pipeline were completed during the Obama-Biden administration and a new major pipeline from Canada just opened, but the Keystone XL is nonexistent and now permanently deceased.

But... at least you did learn that it never existed.
« Last Edit: October 25, 2021, 09:49:47 pm by TechTalk »
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