To recap:
Very few of either of them could possibly afford the new S2
The only way to know what will happen in the future, is to get there. 
- N.
I think many underestimate the success that S-007 will have... There are many reasons for that (surely to happen) success...
1. Is the fact that many will consider to abandon their DSLR system all together because the camera has exactly the same size and flexibility as a DSLR... If one has a DSLR system based on high quality lenses, selling it should support much of the cost...
2. The people that currently use both DSLR and MF... they can use their MF lenses on the S (H & C645 users particularly so) and invest the difference on an S while having the same lenses for both... Restricting the ...bag size while improving quality at the same time is so very tempting for everyone.
3. People of all 1&2 that want to invest on a new back ...may as well buy them selves a camera.
4. (this is a huge market) ...With the expected high-Iso performance, there will be LOTS of "wedding photographers" that will want to differentiate themselves from the "crowed" of "wedding photographers"... which will invest (the difference of their huge DSLR system) on the camera, expecting more prestige (and thus more customers) as well as more fame (even more customers) out of their investment... I'm sure that all the above reasoning will provide the S-007 a brilliant future... (and tears to competition)! ...and none of the above will give a dime for 38 or 50 resolution, or feathers shot with P45 in comparison to DSLR, or notes or ...theories of man that know better than Leitz engineers!