It's very subtle and well done, but still noticeable. I can't pick it out in any one post, but when numerous posts are read (and one has a good memory), it becomes noticeable.
Really, I apologize if I offended anyone. Some points (that may not be best shared in a thread about the 7DII but these personnal comments leave me little choice):
- I do clearly use Nikon equipment (although less and less since most of my lenses aren't Nikon, my flash system is Profoto,...) and I am overall happy about its performance and yes, I do comment on that from time to time, but rarely, if ever, do I comment negatively about other brands equipment in isolation,
- I believe that only a small sub-set of my posts are about the performance of bodies anyway, that really isn't my main interest in photography and I think I produce enough images to make that clear (whether you like them or not is a different topic),
- I really am brand agnostic in that I will buy whatever works best for me that I can afford and that delivers significant additional value compared to what I already own. That may very well include Canon equipment again if I think it can help me produce better images,
- I do think that lenses are a more important long term investment than bodies (especially high quality lenses), which is one of the reasons I am happy with my investment in F mount lenses that will make it rather painless to invest in a Canon body if it delivers better performance for what I do (meaning better DR). I believe that the difference in performance between bodies tend to be larger than between lenses (the gap between the Nikon and Canon 400mm f2.8 is tiny in absolute terms, they are both blow your mind good), so flexibility in picking any body is IMHO more important overall than the ability to use any possible type of lens while being locked in a mount. Fortunately, the Sony a7x system is now offering a similar option for EOS lenses owners,
- I do think that Canon makes some brilliant pieces of equipment that I would like to be able to use (17mm T/S, 85mm f1.2, new 200-400 f4,...) but they are not important enough for me to take in the additional cost. The 7DII is a great APS-C body and is vastly superior to anything Nikon has to offer in that segment (I wrote that several times in this very thread) even if, as a body from a spec standpoint, it seems far behind the Samsung NX1. On the other hand, I don't see any Canon FF body offering things Nikon FF bodies don't do equally well or better precisely in terms of overall balance of performance, not just DR. This is simply an objective view and I do not say this in order to advice anyone to move to Nikon, I couldn't care less what people do and I do very well understand that people have constraints (cost,...) or specific applications for which this may not be relevant or may be compensated by other aspects such as the availability of a unique lens. I don't remember ever advising someone to switch to Nikon,
- I do indeed think that some pieces of equipment have a questionable price/performance ratio compared to what I use today (think Leica S) but I do acknowledge the qualities of those systems (looks, UI, Lenses,...),
- I do indeed like to tease a bit sometimes, but it is more about highlighting what I think is a lack of objectivity rather than pushing Nikon stuff down the throat of people who clearly aren't interested anyway. It is up to them to react more or less smartly.
As far as the recent exchanges with John/Jack, that I just don't get it because I haven't made any single mention of Nikon equipment at all. He is the one who brought the D810 in this discussion and wrote angry pages about it, probably getting confused with the other thread where HE asked inputs about that camera vs the D3x.