Why Alan is naive and wrong about "the free market". We have no idea how manipulated the "free" markets really are.
Airlines' reward programs are more valuable than the airlines themselves. Airlines are in fact financial institutions.
I've never said America is a 100% true free-market system. No such thing can exist as long as there is a government. Frankly, there's a lot of corporate welfare in America; the Fed contributes to a lot of it and the government the rest.
But there is a huge free-market component in America and the more free-market there can be, the better off it is for the people, the country, and its economy.
Your link to frequent flyer miles and airlines being banks reminds me of what happened to General Electric. GE was a premier jet engine, washing machine, and locomotive company, as well as other electric products like light bulbs, transformers, electric power plants, etc. Then they got into the loan business and created GE Credit which became one of their largest if not the largest component. Then there was a bad economic situation and it nearly bankrupted the company. They never really recovered.
Of course, the airlines similarly faced bankruptcy last year because of Covid. But the government bailed them out to the tune of $100 billion or so instead of letting a few of them go bankrupt to be reorganized. That would save the taxpayers all that wasted money for some zombie corporations. That's corporate welfare and wrong. So we agree on that.