I said nothing about new wars, I simply asked you what wars trump had kept you out of. (or for that matter, ended) You have no valid response.
Yes. The standard Republican/Rightist response to which would be "everyone knows that everybody does that".
But I won't stoop to that level.
Well he destroyed almost all of ISIS, their leader, and the territory they conquered, a war started under the Obama administration when he pulled troops out of Iraq when told not to. He refused to get lured into a conflict with Turkey and help the Kurds create a nation on Turkish, Iranian, Iraqi, and Syrian lands. When North Korea was testing nukes and sending ICBM's and we almost got into a war with them early in his term. He met with their leader, cooled things down, and got them to stop testing the nukes and ICBMs. War was averted.
Meanwhile, Biden lost Afghanistan to the Taliban and Al Queda and now is facing a possible invasion of Russian troops into Ukraine. Biden's weakness and fecklessness in Afghanistan only encouraged the Russians to do what they're doing. Who knows what the Chinese are up to? They're are watching and will move on Taiwan if Biden continues to appear weak. If the Russians move on Canada, I think you're on your own.