Then you select one particular week in the second half of the year to make your point which is bogus anyway because you're comparing a Covid period last year with the current period.
This part pisses me off for its utterly shameless hypocrisy. To begin, I did not "
select one particular week"; I used the
most recent current week
and four-week average. I then compared it to the
same period from last year. That isn't some "distorted" methodology constructed by me.
It's exactly how the EIA presents their weekly reports,
this period compared to the same period from a year ago.
The galling hypocrisy is that in falsely attempting to claim that "Gasoline prices nearly doubled" because of Biden,
you did deliberately
"select one particular week" in *April of 2020 "
comparing a Covid period last year with the current period". Something that you
now describe as "bogus". That's
your "distorted" methodology to support
your false assertion that "Gasoline prices nearly doubled" because of Biden.
Ground that has already been covered...
and the false assertions and hypocrisy exposed. By your own description your evidence to support your assertion was "bogus"—but you did it anyway.
Adding to the hypocrisy, when it was pointed out to you that gasoline prices are volatile and were responding to the changes in demand
due to the pandemic, you just
ignored that fact and continued posting over and over "Americans are blaming President Biden for the high gasoline". The pandemic resulting in volatile swings in gas prices fell
unacknowledged onto deaf ears as you continued with the same repetitive assertions.
But, when
facts are presented to you that in 2021 the U.S. has been a net petroleum exporter and that domestic oil production is up from the same period a year ago (using the EIA standard methodology and current reporting), not lies or distortions, just simple
facts that you don't want to hear as they cloud your repetitive narrative—
then suddenly you respond with
"you're comparing a Covid period last year with the current period. Of course, it's more now." That's true—and it was
just as true regarding gas prices where you ignored the affect of the pandemic; as it is when related to oil production, which you now suddenly treat like a revelation when it suits your narrative. Sheer hypocrisy stacked on top of shameless hypocrisy.
* You chose a specific week in April 2020 because it was the lowest price in some time due to nationwide pandemic restrictions peaking which caused demand and prices to plummet. Though the pandemic was the obvious factor affecting the price, you refused to acknowledge that fact when it was pointed out to you. You also ignored the fact that during the 18-month period you used to calculate "nearly double" gas prices, half of those 18-months were during Trump's term and assigned all of the increase
and blame to Biden policies and a nonexistent pipeline.