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Author Topic: Bear Pit: now the sole domicile of politics at LuLa  (Read 610311 times)


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Re: Bear Pit: now the sole domicile of politics at LuLa
« Reply #11540 on: October 01, 2021, 11:49:08 am »

Oh.  You're back.
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Re: Bear Pit: now the sole domicile of politics at LuLa
« Reply #11541 on: October 01, 2021, 01:14:36 pm »

Why repeat political rumors that you don't know if they're accurate being spread by Democrats for political reasons?

You're positing a rumor you acknowledge may be false.  The facts are Trump didn't do those things you're accusing him of.

Yet another case of responding without understanding what was written—if you read it at all. Here's the report discussed in the article. It's a little over 100-pages in length with extensive footnotes referencing sources.

Fulton County, Georgia’s Trump Investigation

An Analysis of the Reported Facts and Applicable Law
« Last Edit: October 01, 2021, 01:19:04 pm by TechTalk »
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Alan Klein

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Re: Bear Pit: now the sole domicile of politics at LuLa
« Reply #11542 on: October 01, 2021, 02:19:50 pm »

Yet another case of responding without understanding what was written—if you read it at all. Here's the report discussed in the article. It's a little over 100-pages in length with extensive footnotes referencing sources.

Fulton County, Georgia’s Trump Investigation

An Analysis of the Reported Facts and Applicable Law
You'r report, a political smear, was prepared by the Brookings Institute.  They're a liberal think tank opposed to Trump and Republicans and support the Democrats. Enough said.


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Re: Bear Pit: now the sole domicile of politics at LuLa
« Reply #11543 on: October 01, 2021, 02:22:11 pm »

You'r report, a political smear, was prepared by the Brookings Institute.  They're a liberal think tank opposed to Trump and Republicans and support the Democrats. Enough said.

What in their report is not factual or accurate?

Yet another case of responding without understanding what was written—if you read it at all.
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Re: Bear Pit: now the sole domicile of politics at LuLa
« Reply #11544 on: October 01, 2021, 03:02:51 pm »

Trump's been gone for nine months. He didn't overthrow the government, never declared martial law, never bombed the Chinese, and left office when he was supposed to.

Trump will forever be regarded as one of the worst presidents to ever hold the office—if not the worst. His undermining of democracy with his lies repeated and echoed over and over before and after the election resulted in one of the most shameful events carried out by American citizens against our system of government in its history. The reverberations from that event, and the shameless lies underpinning it, are still ongoing inside the United States and extends beyond its borders. It has encouraged every authoritarian and would be dictator across the globe. It has shaken confidence not only in the United States and its ability to sustain the world's oldest democracy, but in democracy itself all over the world. All of this is to the great delight of the enemies and adversaries of democracy and the United States.

Trump—the narcissistic con man—is thankfully gone from office; but, he isn't gone. He's still working consistently to keep the Big Lie alive among the blind and faithful in order to inflate his own ego at the expense of democracy. The stain he's already left on this country is indelible; yet, he's still pouring on more of his personal brand of shared psychosis to set the stain deeper into the fabric of American life.
« Last Edit: October 01, 2021, 03:36:43 pm by TechTalk »
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Alan Klein

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Re: Bear Pit: now the sole domicile of politics at LuLa
« Reply #11545 on: October 01, 2021, 03:03:30 pm »

What in their report is not factual or accurate?

Filling complaints about an election in court is not illegal acts as they, you, and other anti Trump people claim. Democrats and others do it all the time as they did against Trump in the 2016 election. Did you claim it was illegal then?


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Re: Bear Pit: now the sole domicile of politics at LuLa
« Reply #11546 on: October 01, 2021, 03:04:45 pm »

Yet another case of responding without understanding what was written—if you read it at all.
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Alan Klein

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Re: Bear Pit: now the sole domicile of politics at LuLa
« Reply #11547 on: October 01, 2021, 03:07:10 pm »

Trump will forever be regarded as one of the worst presidents to ever hold the office—if not the worst. His undermining of democracy with his lies repeated and echoed over and over before and after the election resulted in one of the most shameful event carried out by American citizens against our system of government in its history. The reverberations from that event, and the shameless lies underpinning it, are still ongoing inside the United States and extends beyond its borders. It has encouraged every authoritarian and would be dictator across the globe. It has shaken confidence not only in the United States and its ability to sustain the world's oldest democracy, but in democracy itself all over the world. All of this is to the great delight of the enemies and adversaries of democracy and the United States.

Trump—the narcissistic con man—is thankfully gone from office; but, he isn't gone. He's still working consistently to keep the Big Lie alive among the blind and faithful in order to inflate his own ego at the expense of democracy. The stain he's already left on this country is indelible; yet, he's still pouring on more of his personal brand of shared psychosis to set the stain deeper into the fabric of American life.
The problem today is Biden, not Trump.  Biden's running the country.  He's the one making a mess of things.


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Re: Bear Pit: now the sole domicile of politics at LuLa
« Reply #11548 on: October 01, 2021, 03:12:25 pm »

Yet another case of responding without understanding what was written—if you read it at all.

Trump—the narcissistic con man—is thankfully gone from office; but, he isn't gone. He's still working consistently to keep the Big Lie alive among the blind and faithful in order to inflate his own ego at the expense of democracy. The stain he's already left on this country is indelible; yet, he's still pouring on more of his personal brand of shared psychosis to set the stain deeper into the fabric of American life.

The reverberations from that event, and the shameless lies underpinning it, are still ongoing inside the United States and extends beyond its borders.
« Last Edit: October 01, 2021, 03:17:36 pm by TechTalk »
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Alan Klein

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Re: Bear Pit: now the sole domicile of politics at LuLa
« Reply #11549 on: October 01, 2021, 05:04:05 pm »

Blaming Trump isn't going to help Biden. Biden's the president.


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Re: Bear Pit: now the sole domicile of politics at LuLa
« Reply #11550 on: October 01, 2021, 05:21:22 pm »

Another repetitious nonresponse to what someone has written. This is boring.
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Re: Bear Pit: now the sole domicile of politics at LuLa
« Reply #11551 on: October 01, 2021, 05:39:01 pm »

I prefer government to leave us alone.  We'd be better off.

The more power you give the government, the less freedom and security you get.

When you're looking for a serious assessment of the proper role of government and all you get are a couple of bumper stickers in search of a car.
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Re: Bear Pit: now the sole domicile of politics at LuLa
« Reply #11552 on: October 01, 2021, 05:58:08 pm »

Trump will forever be regarded as one of the worst presidents to ever hold the office—if not the worst. His undermining of democracy with his lies repeated and echoed over and over before and after the election resulted in one of the most shameful events carried out by American citizens against our system of government in its history. The reverberations from that event, and the shameless lies underpinning it, are still ongoing inside the United States and extends beyond its borders. It has encouraged every authoritarian and would be dictator across the globe. It has shaken confidence not only in the United States and its ability to sustain the world's oldest democracy, but in democracy itself all over the world. All of this is to the great delight of the enemies and adversaries of democracy and the United States.

Trump—the narcissistic con man—is thankfully gone from office; but, he isn't gone. He's still working consistently to keep the Big Lie alive among the blind and faithful in order to inflate his own ego at the expense of democracy. The stain he's already left on this country is indelible; yet, he's still pouring on more of his personal brand of shared psychosis to set the stain deeper into the fabric of American life.

There's that reasoned non-biased debated we can always expect from you. 
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Re: Bear Pit: now the sole domicile of politics at LuLa
« Reply #11553 on: October 01, 2021, 05:58:56 pm »

Then dispute it.
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Re: Bear Pit: now the sole domicile of politics at LuLa
« Reply #11554 on: October 01, 2021, 06:05:01 pm »

Then dispute it.

It's Friday, I'm shooting a project in New Orleans, waiting for dusk so I can finish and celebrate the news of the week in the Quarter, that being both bills going down in flames along with Biden's approval numbers! 

So I'm going to live high right now and pass.  Not to mention, I dont want to sweat too much on my laptop. 

Just hoping now no grifter get triggers with all of these lengths of ropes I have used to tie back trees.  Timber hitches can look a little menacing to the lay person.   ;)
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Re: Bear Pit: now the sole domicile of politics at LuLa
« Reply #11555 on: October 01, 2021, 07:01:26 pm »

It's Friday, I'm shooting a project in New Orleans, waiting for dusk …

Honestly, do we care ?
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Re: Bear Pit: now the sole domicile of politics at LuLa
« Reply #11556 on: October 02, 2021, 10:47:15 am »

Honestly, do we care ?
Relevance : none.

I get it, your upset and you, and many others, don't have your favorite villain to blame anymore, but seriously ...

I was there last night!  And hopefully again in another 2 or 3 weeks; we got the verbal, just waiting for the signature. 
« Last Edit: October 02, 2021, 10:51:13 am by JoeKitchen »
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Re: Bear Pit: now the sole domicile of politics at LuLa
« Reply #11557 on: October 02, 2021, 11:42:17 am »

So I'm going to live high right now and pass.

Take your time. No rush. In the interim, you might want to read the new book by Bob Woodward, Peril.
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Re: Bear Pit: now the sole domicile of politics at LuLa
« Reply #11558 on: October 02, 2021, 01:43:11 pm »

It's Friday, I'm shooting a project in New Orleans, waiting for dusk so I can finish and celebrate the news of the week in the Quarter, that being both bills going down in flames along with Biden's approval numbers! 

So I'm going to live high right now and pass.  Not to mention, I dont want to sweat too much on my laptop. 

Just hoping now no grifter get triggers with all of these lengths of ropes I have used to tie back trees.  Timber hitches can look a little menacing to the lay person.   ;)
unfortunately I think they going to pass both bills. The social bill will probably be negotiated at 1.9 trillion which sounds a lot like the 1.5 trillion that Manchin said he could accept. 2 trillion is a step too far. So they'll get it at 1.9T plus the infrastructure. That's my prediction.

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Re: Bear Pit: now the sole domicile of politics at LuLa
« Reply #11559 on: October 02, 2021, 02:58:10 pm »

unfortunately I think they going to pass both bills. The social bill will probably be negotiated at 1.9 trillion which sounds a lot like the 1.5 trillion that Manchin said he could accept. 2 trillion is a step too far. So they'll get it at 1.9T plus the infrastructure. That's my prediction.

Is that a lot of money?

What do Interstates cost? What do 700 military bases cost? How much money is spent in Vegas or in online gambling? How much money do you spend on the "war on drugs" or "stopping sex work", neither of which ever seem to go away or even diminish very much?

The question with public expenditures, especially on infrastructure costs, is always the same and no one ever asks it, and it's the most important question, "What will it cost if you don't do it?"
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