The greatest economy ever has been the USA's since 1776, based almost solely on individual enterprise and achievement. Any economy, no matter how successful prior, that has given into socialist policy, has failed. Venezuela is a great example of such that has. Cuba is another example.
Compare East to West Berlin, with the same culture and prior economy, and you will see the same thing.
North and South Korea is another example.
History has almost never provided us with so clear and concrete comparisons. How many more do you need until you see the truth? Redistribution policies do not work.
Your radical ideology blinds you to reality a bit. Another advantage that the US had is timing and cheap real estate. It came into being at just the right moment of unprecedented industrial wealth creation and had no history to adapt to. And it was very handy not to have to pay retail for all that land, given how generously the first nations already inhabiting it let you have it for the price of a few laws and bullets. Let me ask you, do you honestly think that Americans are the only people on earth who understand individual achievement and enterprise. Please, give us a break. The US has a lot of achievements to be proud of, but let's keep it real, huh?
Your examples, Soviet Bloc, North Korea, etc., are a bit obvious, aren't they? Or are you seriously suggesting that the "infrastructure" package will drag the US into communist hell. If you don't like the policies, fine, I get it, but the irrational hyperbole does not lend your argument any credibility.
But I don't have a horse in this race, my only point originally was to say that every "right-wing" over-the-top panic over more government expenditure is getting old. (Anyway, wasn't Trump supposed to drain that swamp?