I just don't see it that way at all.
I rarely write on forums, I don't like the bish bash etc... however...
C1 with this release and their strategy behind it is worrysome. For example, when v.20 came out, I upgraded as I have moved mostly away from Adobe and the improvements with skin tools alone was worth it (to me). If you shoot landscapes.... maybe not. So i get that some things are more important than others etc.
C1 shooters tend to be at the higher end of photography, we don't shoot in a 'fire and forget' way, we don't need to select several badly exposed images to speed correct, its not a feature I think many will want or use... Same as facial recognition is useless to me, landscapers, still lifers, interior shooters, architectural shooters, but if is probably a timesaver for the modern day wedding/social shooter (who 'probably' shoots way to many images on a job if we are all being honest), but I get that to a small percentage its great.
But here's the rub, the big hype, the buy early... its like the guy on their Youtube comments wrote.... if you are a big band releasing a heavily promoted new album, do you open with such a weak feature that your core users won't identify with...?
Makes the rest of the album seem weak before its even out there....
Also... the reality of 2020 is that the very market this feature is aimed at, (speed editing) for shooters who have shot a lot and need to cull things or adjust things quickly before culling have no money... How many of them have actually shot any weddings or events since the release of version 20 (May 2020).?
So that's money paid for version 20 with very good new improvements and features. Then no money it at all because of covid, no government assistance for freelancers. The Capture One do this weird hype with a weak first feature offer...?
Its actually quite bad PR, as a company C1 will have been hit by a drop in camera sales and possibly software sales, but they get their subscriptions, not many have cancelled those. I upgraded to v.20 in May because i used the downtime to do more work in front of a screen.
Again referencing the guy on YT could you see Mercedes doing this sort of punt.... 'Its a new car, expensive, better, buy now and save... but we are not telling you much if anything about it.... yet... but give us yer cash..'
I am as many users are, very happy with v.20 and I'm so glad to be away from Adobe but who makes these calls at HQ...? Just say, gere's the new features, we think you will love them, we listen to you, here you go and as an existing user, during a tough year, have a discount...
Was it that difficult...?