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Author Topic: Capture One 21 - coming to a computer near you soon...!  (Read 15634 times)


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Re: Capture One 21 - coming to a computer near you soon...!
« Reply #20 on: November 04, 2020, 06:27:05 am »

I switched to the subscription model with version 20, so I'm looking forward to the version 21 upgrade.

Bud James

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Re: Capture One 21 - coming to a computer near you soon...!
« Reply #21 on: November 08, 2020, 12:15:18 pm »

but at the same time everybody can get a beta version from C1 the company - their "beta" program is not some exclusive club... just enroll and see what will be in

Then I would need to use a computer that hasn't C1 on it.  It's been a long time since I had a decent "beta" copputer ready.

BTW. It makes it even more strange.  It's far from a secret for the competitors from capture one.

Ray Harrison

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Re: Capture One 21 - coming to a computer near you soon...!
« Reply #22 on: November 09, 2020, 07:29:06 am »

Then I would need to use a computer that hasn't C1 on it.

You can run them both on the same machine, just not at the same time and obviously not on the same sessions/catalogs (which should all be backed up, of course).


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Re: Capture One 21 - coming to a computer near you soon...!
« Reply #23 on: November 09, 2020, 04:55:16 pm »

You can run them both on the same machine, just not at the same time and obviously not on the same sessions/catalogs (which should all be backed up, of course).

It's beta software, I don't risk that on a production machine.  The error could be the running together part ;-)


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Re: Capture One 21 - coming to a computer near you soon...!
« Reply #24 on: November 10, 2020, 09:30:18 am »

I'm perfectly fine with paying good money for software as good as Capture One but now we are on this yearly upgrade cycle with C1, features other than camera support are none existant until the next major version which is a big dissapointment. Capture One 20 was a great release but correct me if I'm wrong but I can't think of anthing added to it over the last twelve months that wasn't there at release. It seems Adobe and C1 have flip flopped in this regard as LR and PS get feature updates every few months now and for a chunk less money.

But you don't need to buy every update, right? You can skip a year?


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Re: Capture One 21 - coming to a computer near you soon...!
« Reply #25 on: November 10, 2020, 09:34:05 am »

But you don't need to buy every update, right? You can skip a year?

Yes, you can skip a year. I skipped 11.

But, if 21 has a killer app, then I will upgrade.



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Re: Capture One 21 - coming to a computer near you soon...!
« Reply #26 on: November 11, 2020, 05:41:09 am »

I’d love for Version 21 to add some “WOW!” feature from the off - maybe like internal panorama stitching - that would be amazing or even HDR merging features. However, from experience over the last few years I feel the feature list will read something like improved clarity tool and updated UI and user experience.

This is what makes David's job hard - I don't care at all about the features you mention, but I do hope for some good UI improvements so I can edit quicker and use the tools better (along the lines of Phil Penman's workflow   :-)


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Re: Capture One 21 - coming to a computer near you soon...!
« Reply #27 on: November 12, 2020, 05:21:39 am »

Check out Affinity Photo for panorama stitching. It's cheap, no subscription and works very well to replace Photoshop with C1P.
Bud James

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Bud James
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Re: Capture One 21 - coming to a computer near you soon...!
« Reply #28 on: November 15, 2020, 01:14:12 pm »

There is a "sneak peak" on Tuesday so you can judge whether it's worth the upgrade


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Re: Capture One 21 - coming to a computer near you soon...!
« Reply #29 on: November 17, 2020, 07:48:52 am »

Is CO21 supported on Rosetta for M1 Apple machines? Any plan to go native?

Stéphane  [url=http://www.lumieredargen


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Re: Capture One 21 - coming to a computer near you soon...!
« Reply #30 on: November 17, 2020, 05:53:55 pm »

There is a "sneak peak" on Tuesday so you can judge whether it's worth the upgrade

Thanks, very good to watch.

Very nice info about version 21.


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Re: Capture One 21 - coming to a computer near you soon...!
« Reply #31 on: November 17, 2020, 06:11:31 pm »

Very nice info about version 21.
Any compelling new features promised ?


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Re: Capture One 21 - coming to a computer near you soon...!
« Reply #32 on: November 17, 2020, 06:44:56 pm »

Any compelling new features promised ?

for me yes. 


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Re: Capture One 21 - coming to a computer near you soon...!
« Reply #33 on: November 18, 2020, 11:50:30 am »

But you don't need to buy every update, right? You can skip a year?
Already paid my upgrade fee for Version 21.
« Last Edit: November 18, 2020, 11:58:31 am by gazwas »
trying to think of something meaningful........ Err?


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Re: Capture One 21 - coming to a computer near you soon...!
« Reply #34 on: November 18, 2020, 01:23:05 pm »

Keyboard shortcuts for exposure, white balance, etc were covered as was update to pro conversions for many popular cameras. There was a lot that was not covered which you will easily see if you download the trial.


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Re: Capture One 21 - coming to a computer near you soon...!
« Reply #35 on: November 20, 2020, 09:55:58 am »

I just don't see it that way at all. 
I rarely write on forums, I don't like the bish bash etc... however...

C1 with this release and their strategy behind it is worrysome.  For example, when v.20 came out, I upgraded as I have moved mostly away from Adobe and the improvements with skin tools alone was worth it (to me).  If you shoot landscapes.... maybe not.  So i get that some things are more important than others etc.

C1 shooters tend to be at the higher end of photography, we don't shoot in a 'fire and forget' way, we don't need to select several badly exposed images to speed correct, its not a feature I think many will want or use...  Same as facial recognition is useless to me, landscapers, still lifers, interior shooters, architectural shooters, but if is probably a timesaver for the modern day wedding/social shooter (who 'probably' shoots way to many images on a job if we are all being honest), but I get that to a small percentage its great.

But here's the rub, the big hype, the buy early... its like the guy on their Youtube comments wrote.... if you are a big band releasing a heavily promoted new album, do you open with such a weak feature that your core users won't identify with...?

Makes the rest of the album seem weak before its even out there....

Also... the reality of 2020 is that the very market this feature is aimed at, (speed editing) for shooters who have shot a lot and need to cull things or adjust things quickly before culling have no money...  How many of them have actually shot any weddings or events since the release of version 20 (May 2020).?

So that's money paid for version 20 with very good new improvements and features.  Then no money it at all because of covid, no government assistance for freelancers.  The Capture One do this weird hype with a weak first feature offer...?
Its actually quite bad PR, as a company C1 will have been hit by a drop in camera sales and possibly software sales, but they get their subscriptions, not many have cancelled those.  I upgraded to v.20 in May because i used the downtime to do more work in front of a screen.

Again referencing the guy on YT could you see Mercedes doing this sort of punt.... 'Its a new car, expensive, better, buy now and save... but we are not telling you much if anything about it.... yet... but give us yer cash..'

I am as many users are, very happy with v.20 and I'm so glad to be away from Adobe but who makes these calls at HQ...?  Just say, gere's the new features, we think you will love them, we listen to you, here you go and as an existing user, during a tough year, have a discount...

Was it that difficult...?



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Re: Capture One 21 - coming to a computer near you soon...!
« Reply #36 on: November 20, 2020, 10:28:48 am »

Capture One 20 was released in December 2019. We need to understand that the development aims for v21 were probably very well advanced and unchangeable before the virus crisis started and there may have been delays in development since then too that would prevent much deviation from the plan (although this release is exactly on their usual schedule).
I'd guess that import improvements and working speed have been on the request list for years and 21's feature set couldn't be changed much to react to a medical crisis.
Sadly for me most of these 'improvements' aren't compelling for me.

The increase in upgrade cost just at a time when so many pros are having a tough time could have been changed though. I'm sure Phase One are suffering too, but get the upgrade price wrong and many of us simply won't bother upgrading just for the one or two minor features we'd like.
It was interesting and good to watch Affinity offer their software at half price during the first lockdown period, along with regular webinars on their use. I'll bet that encouraged a lot of users to buy into their products and such a helpful attitude will encourage new users to stay loyal to them. Maybe something Phase One should have copied.


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Re: Capture One 21 - coming to a computer near you soon...!
« Reply #37 on: November 20, 2020, 11:47:42 am »

Agree about the league times, confused about the Dec 19 release

Your point regarding Affinity is well put, the photography I do doesn't use much from PS and I've been a very happy Affinity user for 18 months now..

But what concerned me was the Capture One PR vehicle...  it staggers me that after putting so much work on their software to make it much easier for people to move from LR... which is to still be applauded, they make these gaffs...

Like many football (soccer) fanis in the UK, I've decided to use the money to help feed people this Christmas


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Re: Capture One 21 - coming to a computer near you soon...!
« Reply #38 on: November 20, 2020, 02:40:01 pm »

C1 with this release and their strategy behind it is worrysome.  For example, when v.20 came out...

From my memory, they offered the same deal last year for v20: pre-order for a discount or wait for the full announcement if you don't want to gamble.

Was it that difficult...?

No - same as every year.


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Re: Capture One 21 - coming to a computer near you soon...!
« Reply #39 on: November 20, 2020, 05:58:36 pm »

The faster editing is a very important feature for me.  I have extra hardware (knobs and buttons) to assist in editing, but this is not ideal for on the road.
Speed is important for me.

I'm also waiting to see the new -better- profiles in action.
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