Ivo, that is still just your projection about what you think that I think; I asked you about what you thought about the image that I - or the rest of us - may be missing.
No Rob, this was your answer, not what I think your answer was. 😉
It is not about what you or I may be missing, it’s about the think process behind the appreciation of an image.
Anyhow. I can tell you:
1: What I see as a viewer: a man kissing another very sick, maybe dying man.
2: What I feel as a viewer: I feel uncomfortable close, I have double feelings, I’m not sure why (is it context or the knowledge of Goldin’s body of work?) but I feel on one hand a bit aversion because I’m not into kissing men. And on the other hand I feel the tenderness how the one man approaches the other man. Strange enough, if it where two brothers, the emphatic element would not poke me the same way as the image does now, because I assume to look at a homosexual couple.
The tenderness of the scene makes me shameful for the pejorative feelings I have.
2: What I feel as photographer: TL lights, always difficult. But somehow it add’s to the discomfort of the image. I wish I was there, with my camera.
Is that a reply?