How come these modern cars kill the mood? Or is it just me?
Seems a bit like the other day, i was driving with someone when Eurythmics' "it's all right" came on the radio and she mentioned that the music of that era was so different than todays. She couldn't explain it, she said, but she could feel it in her body.
I later realized that yes, todays music is more about "aggression" than it is about "happiness" with all of the rap/mob culture etc. So it would follow naturally that it just induces aggression in the body as well, if you suffer that particular kinesthetic synesthesia.
It's also with modern car design, totally aimed at a more aggressive disposition. Just look at the frontface of currentday bmw and audi. They used to call those ringlights "angel eyes" but they primarily look like very, very, angry hawkeyes today with the added led-strings.