Yes, I agree, as far as I know the Nikon PC-E lenses are fully electronic and as such will not work on the Sony A7R..
I have had the Olympus 35mm Shift but found it to flare terribly.. As far as my research showed, it was the multicoated version as well..
Not sure if i just had a terrible copy or it did not behave well with the Sony A7R..
Love that you could use shift AND rise at the same time with this lens! I wish my Canon 24mm TS-E II did that 
I replaced it with the Pentax 645 35mm lens which I use with a Mirex adapter and get much much better results.. When stopped down to f8 -f11, this lens was on par with the Sigma 35mm 1.4 Art i had..
No combination of shift and rise though 
why wouldn't you be able to do that? Shifted it can be rotated, so you can get a full circle (or rather 2x half circles) of lens displacement.
Rumors of the eminent replacements of the Canon 45 and 90 are so old, I can't believe it. Maybe 10 years or so.
the 90mm is my most important lens, I earn my living with it, but I think it is rather mediocre. Might have been good when it came out some 24 years ago, but it doesn't cut it too well today. It is quite weak below 2 m, sadly the distance I presume it is used most often. the Hartblei super rotator is much better, though a pain to use.
Today I use a Cambo Actus with rodenstock glass, though this can't be used handheld, so the Canon tse 90 still has a place.
please Canon: give us a new 45 tse and a new 90tse (make it macro). and a 70tse. and a 135tse. We'll love you for it!