Hi Jimmy,
Did you ever manage to speed up your catalog? I'm on a mid-2010 Macbook Pro and I've all but given up on using the library function but I'd dearly love to totally switch from Lightroom as I prefer the output I get from C1. Problem is, my catalog (40K images, about 45GB worth of previews e.a.) is slow as molasses. Wondering how you fared!
The short answer is no.
I do however have a suggestion.
In the first tab (Library), remove the keyword search feature. This made a huge impact on switching between tabs.
You can still search using the search function found in the browser tool .
Opening the catalog still takes upwards of two minutes. Building the catalog still takes days.
Now for my rant.
I can also say that chasing the dragon of C1 performance can be expensive.
When I opened my support case, the first thing C1 did was to blame my drives as the bottleneck.
I countered that my catalog resides on a SSD with a tested read/write of over 400MBs. They countered that the bottleneck then must be on my spinning drive where the originals reside.
This made absolutely no sense as C1 was DESIGNED to be run offline.
However, I relented and bought a 1TB Samsung SSD, rebuilt the catalog again, with the originals on the 1TB and the catalog on the other 500GB SSD.
Still no change.
On a related note: I put LR's catalog on the same spinning drive, and it was a little slower, but miles ahead of the SSD based C1 catalog.
During all of this, I rebuilt my catalog numerous times, each time starting from a different file structure.
What I found was C1 built catalog significantly faster when the original file structure is divided up into smaller folders.
It doesn't like large file folders.
I relayed this information to C1, and while they seem interested, they just closed my case without resolution.