Interesting question/thread....relating to the new lease on photographic life I will be buying this month....
....These are my first shots ever taken with a Nikon dSLR (I've been a Canon guy from the start of my digital age)
....taken this week "test-driving" the Nikon D610....
They are in fact my first shots ever taken with ANY dSLR over ISO 1600 and these are very (dare I say stunningly) impressive @ 2500
...and they are nothing more than Nikon default settings...SOOB... with some minor tweaking in PS
...taken at BBuy with MF Vivitar Series1 28-90/2.8-3.5
I don't crop a lot...I'm not a pixel peeper...but I've included the full frame and cropped the shots here as I would expect to in real-world shooting....the forum's resizing does damage/degrade them a bit but "you get the picture", right?
Here's a link to their original uploaded file size: OP's question...the sensor's ability at allow me to shoot at less than wide open apertures (here F4 and 5.6 vs 2.8/3.5 ) for "just enough" DoF to "get the shot" and at a shutter speed fast enough (1/100 and 1/60) to freeze my old shaky hands and the action....
I'm getting the D610 not just to add to my photography, but to add years to my photography....with practice, a lot of practice with Nikon machinery...