I don't think I should be charged more than $355 for some software that is in my eyes nothing more than an OS capable patch.
EyeOneMatch was created eons ago and has dead end code - some of which is from the 90s. i1Profiler is a whole new, from-the-ground-up generation of software with a fresh code base that was needed to push the technology forward and support modern OSes. Thay've laid the groundwork for great things to come.
When we consider all of this and the historical upgrade costs of XRite pro software ($1500+), the i1P upgrade costs are pretty cheap, IMO.
Sure they have some geeky stuff that will give hard on's to some people, but will it really make better profiles?
Yes, the profiles really are better. This stuff really matters for pros.
I think they're being loyal to their pro customers by releasing this software at these reasonable rates. Of course their consumer stuff (Munki, Huey and i1Display) products are reasonable too and have Lion support. No complaints here. I'm glad I can move forward, but Loin is going to be a tricky upgrade to oversee with care, because of other software.