Like the flu, it is going to take 30-50K every year and we won't even notice.
It could turn out that way, and hopefully will. But it's too early even for people with expertise in virology or epidemiology to make predictions with any confidence. The SARS-CoV-2 virus only recently made the jump from animals to humans; we've probably been living with influenza for close to 2500 years and the 'flu has learned to coexist with us. "Smart" viruses don't kill their hosts because they can't propagate to a dead person. This new coronavirus currently does. If the most survivable mutations are smart, the dominant variants of the virus will become less lethal without becoming so much less infectious that they are eradicated by vaccines, and your scenario will become our new reality. But I'm not aware of any empirical data which suggest that is happening yet.
Stay tuned, and until then, get vaccinated, stay masked, maintain physical distancing, and keep washing your hands.