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Re: Bear Pit: now the sole domicile of politics at LuLa
« Reply #12581 on: December 07, 2021, 06:26:41 pm »

The problem is the Fed is still printing and all the money they want to spend above taxes received will keep prices going higher.
Thank goodness that didn't happen under Trump.... With that tax break for the super rich of his.
Oh wait!  :D
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Peter McLennan

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Re: Bear Pit: now the sole domicile of politics at LuLa
« Reply #12582 on: December 07, 2021, 06:38:43 pm »

Well he destroyed almost all of ISIS, their leader, and the territory they conquered, a war started under the Obama administration when he pulled troops out of Iraq when told not to.  He refused to get lured into a conflict with Turkey and help the Kurds create a nation on Turkish, Iranian, Iraqi, and Syrian lands. When North Korea was testing nukes and sending ICBM's and we almost got into a war with them early in his term. He met with their leader, cooled things down, and got them to stop testing the nukes and ICBMs.  War was averted.

Meanwhile, Biden lost  Afghanistan to the Taliban and Al Queda and now is facing a possible invasion of Russian troops into Ukraine.   Biden's weakness and fecklessness in Afghanistan only encouraged the Russians to do what they're doing.  Who knows what the Chinese are up to? They're are watching and will move on Taiwan if Biden continues to appear weak. 

There are no words to successfully deny these fairy tales.  The Brothers Grimm are turning in their graves.

If the Russians move on Canada, I think you're on your own.  :)

This despite NATO, NORAD, two hundred years of peaceful cooperation and sharing the world's longest undefended border. Thanks for your support.

In fact, it's likely that we have more to fear from the USA than we do from Putin.


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Re: Bear Pit: now the sole domicile of politics at LuLa
« Reply #12583 on: December 07, 2021, 06:42:39 pm »

In fact, it's likely that we have more to fear from the USA than we do from Putin.
Certainly 30 odd percent of those in the USA. The good news is, due to their stupidity, closed minds to science (as seen in these forums), mandates, vaccines and masks, they are dropping like flies. Too bad they are taxing the brave health care workers and those that really need to be in the emergency rooms that are clogged up with these deplorable Americans. 
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Re: Bear Pit: now the sole domicile of politics at LuLa
« Reply #12584 on: December 07, 2021, 07:03:53 pm »

I'm glad gas prices are going down.  That's one for Biden. 
Biden owns it. He's president.
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Re: Bear Pit: now the sole domicile of politics at LuLa
« Reply #12585 on: December 08, 2021, 11:09:59 am »

Well he destroyed almost all of ISIS, their leader, and the territory they conquered, a war started under the Obama administration when he pulled troops out of Iraq when told not to.  He refused to get lured into a conflict with Turkey and help the Kurds create a nation on Turkish, Iranian, Iraqi, and Syrian lands. When North Korea was testing nukes and sending ICBM's and we almost got into a war with them early in his term. He met with their leader, cooled things down, and got them to stop testing the nukes and ICBMs.  War was averted.

Meanwhile, Biden lost  Afghanistan to the Taliban and Al Queda and now is facing a possible invasion of Russian troops into Ukraine.   Biden's weakness and fecklessness in Afghanistan only encouraged the Russians to do what they're doing.  Who knows what the Chinese are up to? They're are watching and will move on Taiwan if Biden continues to appear weak.  If the Russians move on Canada, I think you're on your own.  :)

About ISIS - your claim is mostly BS. The "defeat" was engineered mostly under Obama and just came to fruition under Trump.

About N. Korea - again your claim is mostly BS. The Trump-Kim summit accomplished essentially nothing, as the N Koreans themselves say, and they resumed testing shortly thereafter. It was just political theater to benefit Trump's ego and political standing. Nothing was accomplished.

And Afghanistan - your claim is ENTIRELY BS. The withdrawal agreement, including withdrawal of all troops, was agreed to under Trump. Biden actually pushed the date back because Trump's date was considered too soon for a reasonably orderly withdrawal. Actually, this is one of the very few things Trump did that I agree with, but to blame the fallout from Trump's agreement on Biden is asinine.


Alan Klein

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Re: Bear Pit: now the sole domicile of politics at LuLa
« Reply #12586 on: December 08, 2021, 11:31:37 am »

About ISIS - your claim is mostly BS. The "defeat" was engineered mostly under Obama and just came to fruition under Trump.

About N. Korea - again your claim is mostly BS. The Trump-Kim summit accomplished essentially nothing, as the N Koreans themselves say, and they resumed testing shortly thereafter. It was just political theater to benefit Trump's ego and political standing. Nothing was accomplished.

And Afghanistan - your claim is ENTIRELY BS. The withdrawal agreement, including withdrawal of all troops, was agreed to under Trump. Biden actually pushed the date back because Trump's date was considered too soon for a reasonably orderly withdrawal. Actually, this is one of the very few things Trump did that I agree with, but to blame the fallout from Trump's agreement on Biden is asinine.

You're wrong.  ISIS started in 2011 because Obama left a power vacuum in Iraq against the advice of his commanders.  So Obama gets the blame for it starting.  It was still going strong 5 years later when Trump took over.  Trump release his commanders to finish the problem and kill its leader which they did.

North Korea did not restart nuclear or ICBM testing after his agreements with Trump.  Also, people were very worried there would be a war, but maybe you've forgotten that. All that went away after Trump met with them.

Regarding Afghanistan, it is true that Trump was for getting troops out of there too.  But Biden has to take responsibility for the disorganized and dangerous way he did it.  He was President and Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces when the pullout occurred under Biden's orders, not Trump.  There was nothing stopping Biden from changing Trump's plans in any case.  After all., didn't Biden reverse Iran, the border, Keystone pipeline and other policies of Trump? Biden can't blame former policies when he could reverse or modify them.  His commanders also told him not to shut down Bagram Air Base before the pullout.  They told him to leave some troops there as well.  He refused. 


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  • Andrew Rodney
Re: Bear Pit: now the sole domicile of politics at LuLa
« Reply #12587 on: December 08, 2021, 12:50:40 pm »

You're wrong.  ISIS started in 2011 because Obama left a power vacuum in Iraq against the advice of his commanders.
You're (again) wrong.
The group’s roots are in the Sunni terror group al Qaeda in Iraq (AQI), started in 2004 by Jordanian Islamist Abu Musab al-Zarqawi. It was a major player in the insurgency against the US-led forces that toppled Saddam Hussein in 2003, and against the Shiite-dominated government that eventually replaced Hussein.
You and Trump (you parroting Trump**) doesn't change the facts outlined.

Plenty has been said about Donald Trump calling President Barack Obama the “founder of ISIS.” The GOP presidential candidate added to the conversation himself on Friday, tweeting that he was being sarcastic when he made the remarks.

A day earlier, he told a radio host that Obama deserves blame for the Muslim terror group’s rise because of the US military withdrawal from Iraq in 2011, which left a power vacuum for the terror group to exploit.

“He was the founder. The way he got out of Iraq … that was the founding of ISIS, OK?” Trump said on Hugh Hewitt’s radio show Thursday morning.
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Robert Roaldi

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Re: Bear Pit: now the sole domicile of politics at LuLa
« Reply #12588 on: December 09, 2021, 11:10:18 am »

By now almost everyone knows about the story about how Trump was tested positive for Covid and took no precautions for a week to protect others around him,

Alan Klein

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Re: Bear Pit: now the sole domicile of politics at LuLa
« Reply #12589 on: December 09, 2021, 11:43:09 am »

By now almost everyone knows about the story about how Trump was tested positive for Covid and took no precautions for a week to protect others around him,

No one cares what precautions Trump took when he was president.  People are past Trump.  Knocking him worked in the presidential elections and the last midterms.  Now, you're fighting the last war.  Yelling Trump Trump Trump didn't help McAuliffe in Virginia.  Americans are looking at Biden.

The Memo: Dour public mood spells trouble for Biden
A Wall Street Journal poll released Tuesday showed a nation in the grip of pessimism, especially on some of the hottest political topics.

Asked whether they expected a range of issues to get better or worse over the next year, voters overwhelmingly took the negative position.

The pessimists in the poll outweighed the optimists by around 30 points on inflation (23 percent saying it would get better and 52 percent saying it would get worse), crime (14 percent better, 47 percent worse) and border security (16 percent better, 42 percent worse).

The economy in general was rated more positively, but not by much, with 30 percent of registered voters believing it would get better and 46 percent believing it would get worse.

The main bright spot for Biden was COVID-19, where the optimists outpaced the pessimists by 52 percent to 10 percent.

The Wall Street Journal poll pinned the president’s job approval rating at 41 percent, with 57 percent of registered voters expressing disapproval.


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Re: Bear Pit: now the sole domicile of politics at LuLa
« Reply #12590 on: December 09, 2021, 12:01:01 pm »

No one cares what precautions Trump took when he was president.  People are past Trump. 
You don't care. Some others do, such as myself and Robert to name just two.
You keep posting silly, absurd replies here that express your own opinion (often devoid of facts which is expected) then stretch to assume that everyone thinks, if I can be so kind, as you do. That's rubbish and absurd. Some people are 'past Trump' and lot are not. Like all those taking legal and congressional action against him. You of course must ignore that due to your force of confirmation bias.
Now as in the past, you're fighting a lost war.
Americans are looking at Biden.
What gives you the balls to speak for all Americans?
"I don't speak for others and they don't speak for me"-Arthur Conan Doyle
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Robert Roaldi

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Re: Bear Pit: now the sole domicile of politics at LuLa
« Reply #12591 on: December 09, 2021, 12:12:14 pm »

No one cares what precautions Trump took when he was president.  People are past Trump.  Knocking him worked in the presidential elections and the last midterms.  Now, you're fighting the last war.  Yelling Trump Trump Trump didn't help McAuliffe in Virginia.  Americans are looking at Biden.

The Memo: Dour public mood spells trouble for Biden
A Wall Street Journal poll released Tuesday showed a nation in the grip of pessimism, especially on some of the hottest political topics.

Asked whether they expected a range of issues to get better or worse over the next year, voters overwhelmingly took the negative position.

The pessimists in the poll outweighed the optimists by around 30 points on inflation (23 percent saying it would get better and 52 percent saying it would get worse), crime (14 percent better, 47 percent worse) and border security (16 percent better, 42 percent worse).

The economy in general was rated more positively, but not by much, with 30 percent of registered voters believing it would get better and 46 percent believing it would get worse.

The main bright spot for Biden was COVID-19, where the optimists outpaced the pessimists by 52 percent to 10 percent.

The Wall Street Journal poll pinned the president’s job approval rating at 41 percent, with 57 percent of registered voters expressing disapproval.

I'm not fighting any wars. But I thought the story was interesting in that it showed the character of the man, not that many people can still be in much doubt. Since he seems to be presenting himself as a possible repeat presidential candidate, isn't it useful to know things about his character.

Are you not disgusted by what he did? Shouldn't you be?

Another more minor question. Why are quoting polling data from media that you have in the past vilified? If they were lying then, couldn't they be lying now? Or do they only lie when they say bad things about Trump. If they report bad things about Biden, then it must be true, is that the logic at work here.


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Re: Bear Pit: now the sole domicile of politics at LuLa
« Reply #12592 on: December 09, 2021, 12:26:46 pm »

Are you not disgusted by what he did? Shouldn't you be?
Indeed, but why ask?
No one cares what precautions Trump took when he was president.  People are past Trump.  Knocking him worked in the presidential elections and the last midterms.
Alan doesn't care. When we agree, he's no one!  ;)
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Re: Bear Pit: now the sole domicile of politics at LuLa
« Reply #12593 on: December 09, 2021, 12:46:28 pm »

Despite you-know-who's refusal to accept what others think (about Trump or otherwise), here's one more important person who does care about Trump thankfully:
New York attorney general seeks to depose Donald Trump next month in civil fraud probe
Letitia James wants to question the former president, who has blasted her over her tax fraud probe into the Trump Organization.
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Alan Klein

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Re: Bear Pit: now the sole domicile of politics at LuLa
« Reply #12594 on: December 09, 2021, 01:54:43 pm »

I'm not fighting any wars. But I thought the story was interesting in that it showed the character of the man, not that many people can still be in much doubt. Since he seems to be presenting himself as a possible repeat presidential candidate, isn't it useful to know things about his character.

Are you not disgusted by what he did? Shouldn't you be?

Another more minor question. Why are quoting polling data from media that you have in the past vilified? If they were lying then, couldn't they be lying now? Or do they only lie when they say bad things about Trump. If they report bad things about Biden, then it must be true, is that the logic at work here.
Democrats keep talking about Trump's problems as a cover-up and distraction to the poor job that Biden is doing. But that's not going to work anymore. People are looking at their own budgets, inflation, and the other issues of today that Biden is responsible for and making their judgments.

It would be foolish of Democrats to hope that just talking about Trump it's going to save the day for them.  Many Democratic congressmen are retiring now early because they see the handwriting on the wall for next year's election. Apparently they believe the polls. It doesn't matter what I think of them.  More importantly, they're watching Biden's moves and are very disappointed in them.


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Re: Bear Pit: now the sole domicile of politics at LuLa
« Reply #12595 on: December 09, 2021, 02:22:09 pm »

Republicans keep talking about Biden's problems as a cover-up and distraction to the poor job (and criminal activity) that Trump was doing. But that's not going to work anymore. People are looking at their own budgets, inflation, and the other issues of today that Trump was responsible for and making their judgments.

It would be foolish of Republicans to hope that just talking about Biden it's going to save the day for them.  Many Republicans congressmen are retiring now early because they see the handwriting on the wall for next year's election (and more big lies). Apparently they believe the facts. It doesn't matter what I think of them.  More importantly, they're watching Trump's moves and are very disappointed in them.
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Robert Roaldi

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Re: Bear Pit: now the sole domicile of politics at LuLa
« Reply #12596 on: December 09, 2021, 03:04:45 pm »

Democrats keep talking about Trump's problems as a cover-up and distraction to the poor job that Biden is doing. But that's not going to work anymore. People are looking at their own budgets, inflation, and the other issues of today that Biden is responsible for and making their judgments.

It would be foolish of Democrats to hope that just talking about Trump it's going to save the day for them.  Many Democratic congressmen are retiring now early because they see the handwriting on the wall for next year's election. Apparently they believe the polls. It doesn't matter what I think of them.  More importantly, they're watching Biden's moves and are very disappointed in them.

Ok, thanks for that, but between you and me and returning to my question, wasn't Trump's behaviour repulsive? Are you not even able to call him on something like that?

Alan Klein

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Re: Bear Pit: now the sole domicile of politics at LuLa
« Reply #12597 on: December 09, 2021, 03:21:40 pm »

Ok, thanks for that, but between you and me and returning to my question, wasn't Trump's behaviour repulsive? Are you not even able to call him on something like that?
Trump's entire personality is repulsive as are many of his behaviors.  A nice talking and sweet politician, he isn't.  However, many of the policies he implemented were right on the money.  He was a tough president that our adversaries respected and were afraid of.  Biden needs some of his backbone and nastiness to lead a great nation.   It takes a lot of moxie.  Also, unlike Trump, Biden doesn't have a core.  He's been in politics so long, he doesn't have a belief system any longer.  He rolls with the polls and sways with the wind.  Does anyone know what he really believes in?


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Re: Bear Pit: now the sole domicile of politics at LuLa
« Reply #12598 on: December 09, 2021, 03:29:40 pm »

Trump's entire personality is repulsive as are many of his behaviors.  A nice talking and sweet politician, he isn't.  However, many of the policies he implemented were right on the money.  He was a tough president that our adversaries respected and were afraid of.  Biden needs some of his backbone and nastiness to lead a great nation.   It takes a lot of moxie.  Also, unlike Trump, Biden doesn't have a core.  He's been in politics so long, he doesn't have a belief system any longer.  He rolls with the polls and sways with the wind.  Does anyone know what he really believes in?

Biden believes that GM is the leader in electric car production.


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Re: Bear Pit: now the sole domicile of politics at LuLa
« Reply #12599 on: December 09, 2021, 03:33:57 pm »

Trump's entire personality is repulsive as are many of his behaviors.  A nice talking and sweet politician, he isn't.  However, many of the policies he implemented were right on the money.  He was a tough president that our adversaries respected and were afraid of.  Biden needs some of his backbone and nastiness to lead a great nation.   It takes a lot of moxie.  Also, unlike Trump, Biden doesn't have a core.  He's been in politics so long, he doesn't have a belief system any longer.  He rolls with the polls and sways with the wind.  Does anyone know what he really believes in?
Substitute Alan for Trump or Biden, or any other name and the rant above still absurd and simply one person's valueless opinion. One so few accept and so many laugh (or cringe) at.
"There is nothing in the world so easy as giving an opinion; consequently, in general, there are few things so utterly valueless" -CHARLES WILLIAM DAY
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