I don't read enough about Trump's current trial details to say anything useful about it, but superficially it doesn't seem that he hires very good lawyers. You'd think he had enough money to hire good ones.
I did see part of one FOX report on youtube about how the poor guy is being forced to sit in a very cold courtroom. I didn't watch the entire clip, but I wondered if they were worried about all the other people in the courtroom. Wasn't it cold for them?
The saddest reports are about his flatulence. There's no way for me to know if that's real or not, but the reporting is dumb, although it must be good material for comedians.
There don't seem to be members of his family in attendance, am I wrong?
It seems to me that the important legal case is the one about Presidential immunity at the supreme court. If they uphold it, it will be in keeping with the presidential powers of pardon and won't do much for respect for the law. Has that ship already sailed though?