Unfortunately the no mask/no vax dribble-chins will most likely have already passed on their genes when the covid gets them.
But you want to see a huge rush for vaccines? Here's how. Starting now, anyone eligible for a jab but who hasn't gotten one will be held personally responsible for any covid-related medical costs. No insurance, no Medicaid, no Medicare. Have to sell your house, cash out retirement funds? Tough. You wanted "personal choice," here it is.
My God Peter, welcome to libertarianism!
I took a couple of months off from this site only to come back and see ... surprise surprise ... the same old control freaks are complaining about not being able to control others.
Here's an idea, if you're vaccinated, which I would recommend, you're golden. Less then 1% of people being hospitalized are vaccinated. No reason to worry, so dont worry. If you're not vaccinated, you made your choice and you get to deal with the fallout. Now, this may be hard for some to believe here, but, rest assured, I know many who are not vaccinated, they just dont seem to be worrying either.
The only people who are still hysterical about this are left wing control freaks who, for some reason, consider it a personal insult when some person does not do what they think that person should do. It's a free country and people need to make their own decisions.
Now, insofar as Chez's remarks of banning people from polite society if they are not vaccinated, this is asinine for two reasons. First, that would mean that non-vaccinated people would just start hanging out together, at least here in the mostly free USA (I cant speak for my comrades up North), allowing for C-19 to spread and mutate faster. (Perhaps we will get up to Omega with this!) Second, one of the groups with the largest percentage of unvaccinated individuals are inner city Blacks, at least in Philly and NYC. So, any policy like this would disproportionately effect Blacks at a higher rate then whites, which all the CRT people have told us is racist. Dems have put themselves between a rock and hard place with this.
For example, as of today, only 27% of Blacks in NYC are vaccinated, while whites are at 53%, meaning once BeBosso's NYC Key goes into effect, we will be provided with many videos of Blacks being turned away from restaurants & bars & gyms while Whites calmly walk in. I dont think this policy will work out well politically for BeBosso or Democrats in general. For contrast, the dem mayor of Boston, who is black, is comparing vaccines passports to slavery freedom papers.
Update: well, out of curiosity I decided to check the official stats on NYC vaccines and it seems I got some bad information on the percentages. Turns out it is worse then what I thought!
Here are the official NY state vaccination stats. I certainly thought the totality of New Yorkers who are vaccinated would be higher, but it is sitting at just 63%. So 37% of the city will, in short order, find themselves unable to dine out or get a drink. Assuming that the mayor does not cave, this will be a huge blow, financially, to the city's restaurants, making the overall economic condition of NYC even worse then what it is now.