... One of the tourists tossed around a handful of coins. The children ran to pick them.
The tourists took pictures of the action...
Which raises the question: what exactly is objectionable in street photography in general, or in this example in particular - the real-life event or taking a picture of it?
Your example with a tip misses the point. Throwing tip money on the floor for one waiter is clearly disrespectful. Throwing it for a bunch of kids is simply more practical than walking to each of them and giving it individually, especially if you have less money (coins or banknotes) than there are kids.
Having said that, I personally am not the type to throw it on the ground only to take a picture of the ensuing fight for it and God forbid, laugh about it. That
is disrespectful. But again, what are we angry about here: real-life action of tourists or taking picture of it? It seems to me some here think that it is picture taking, not real-life action, that warrants our disapproval.