"They are lying that our enemy is America. Our enemy is right here!"
This article reports about Iranians demonstrating against their leaders calling them the dictators and that America is not the enemy. They blame their leaders for lying to them that the plane's downing was due to mechanical problems before finally owning up to the fact that it was shot down by the Iranian military. Trump has taken advantage of this tweeting in Farsi that he supports the demonstrators. He warns the Iranian government not to kill any of the demostrativos meanwhile putting more sanctions on Iran to pressure the leaders.
I was thinking about this that regular Iranians themselves have been hurt by the JCPOA nuclear agreement. Because President Obama made the deal, he couldn't very well argue against the Iranian leadership. Thus he de-facto supported them. In fact he did nothing a few years ago when demonstrators were being killed by their government in the hundreds. But Trump ended the JCPOA putting the mullahs on notice he;s not their friend. That's given regular Iranians hope that maybe they can change their government. By Trump coming out and telling their leaders not to hurt them, they appreciate what Trump is doing despite the fact sanctions hurts the country. Out of all this they hope to do away with their dictators and get to real democracy. If the JCPOA was still in force, and or Obama president, the demonstrators would have no hope for the future. Now they feel Trump is on their side.
This is great for Iranian people, good for Trump's re-election possibility and bad to Iranian leaders and American Democrats.
Of course the media will try to spin this another way somehow. But the people here on this forum are smart and will see through the bias, I'm sure.