1. Curious that you think Trump has so much influence in GB and Europe too. Why do you think that is? 2. And what influence are you referring too?
1. How many times does it to make you get the same point?
Let me try to spell it out, as much for you as for those kids in the now infamous school in Britain getting sex-orientation "guidance":
Trump, in much of Europe, is a figure of derision. In some parts of Britain, however, there is sufficient ignorance, neo-Naziism, faith in unicorns, fairy godmothers et al. that a newly prominent Brit such as Farage, allied with a popular cartoon character like our Boris, who gets to talk and shake hands with a showbiz hero and golf course owner, one of the fatter fat cats, appears to hold the key to the unfolding of an American cheque book that will then be shaken and strirred all over the benighted land, creating massive advantages and pay packets.
That, as you so eloquently said yourself below (and described even earlier as a tactic of divide and conquer):
"Once Brexit happens, if we can negotiate a good deal with them, it will help us negotiate a better deal with the EU. For example, if we buy more British cars because they don;t have more tariffs on our stuff, then the German cars makers will insist the German government give those damn Americans a better deal and reduce German tariffs on our stuff too. That's how it will work. If the EU eventual ends, a possibility, then we'll be able to negotiate with individual countries who will be competing with each other to sell their stuff to us and provide better deals to get our business. That's how the world works. Trump knows that. Don;t you think he played one contractor against the other when he bought out construction for his real estate? I saw that in real life once when he squeezed the company I was working for and then gave it to a competitor anyway. (The competitor was a German firm!! - Siemens. ) One advantage of a business experienced president."
is one of the prime reasons Brits at large should open their eyes and cover their ears. Trump is playing the UK for idiots, and in this current state of national madness, he's right. And as Oscar and I have already indicated, the ultimate destruction of some European solidarity makes the expansionist inclinations of Russia ever more possible to accomplish.
Quite why you consider a business tactic that screwed your own employers a good one, also leaves my mind wondering thoughts about you. I see that not a million miles from kissing the guy who mugged you. Future deals with anyone who does that also brings to mind this: screw me once, shame on you; screw me twice, shame on me. So what do you do? You vote for the guy. Hey ho.
2. I am referring to the influence that I described above and in earlier posts, including the public backing of a specific candidate in another country's internal election processes, made even the more shocking by doing so during a state visit to that country. Exactly what Russia did to aid Trump get to power. Many of your own countymen objected strongly to that interference; I do the same here. Far fom being a clever politician, he has simply laid himself open to even stronger pressure from without the States; his own Faustian deal, if you like. The kinder assumption, of course, being that he will see it as
pressure, not as something he cherishes. And guess who will pay the price, either way, both in your country as in mine?