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Author Topic: The American Constitution  (Read 134952 times)


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Re: The American Constitution
« Reply #2120 on: October 02, 2019, 07:23:42 pm »

It seems China isn't the only ones screwing the US.  And no one can blame Trump for this one.

"WTO Says U.S. Can Hit EU With $7.5 Billion In Tariffs Over Airbus Subsidies"

What's on the list of goods to be hit with tariffs are not only European airplanes and helicopters, but also spanish olives, italian cheese, french champagne and Vienna wieners. One more reason to take that European trip now.


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Re: The American Constitution
« Reply #2121 on: October 02, 2019, 07:37:15 pm »

It seems China isn't the only ones screwing the US.  And no one can blame Trump for this one.

"WTO Says U.S. Can Hit EU With $7.5 Billion In Tariffs Over Airbus Subsidies"

That has been going on for 40 years at least.

Time for some drawing and quartering.

Sorry, i meant Brexiting.....


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Re: The American Constitution
« Reply #2122 on: October 09, 2019, 09:41:45 am »

And another ally gets betrayed. One can just wait for the resurgence of ISIS ...

Nothing in this world is certain except death, taxes, and America betraying the Kurds

Turkish army, Syria rebels to push into Syria 'shortly': Erdogan aide

Breaking news: According to sources, Erdogan just announced that the invasion of North East Syria has begun.
== If you do what you did, you'll get what you got. ==

James Clark

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Re: The American Constitution
« Reply #2123 on: October 09, 2019, 07:07:33 pm »

And another ally gets betrayed. One can just wait for the resurgence of ISIS ...

Nothing in this world is certain except death, taxes, and America betraying the Kurds

Turkish army, Syria rebels to push into Syria 'shortly': Erdogan aide

Breaking news: According to sources, Erdogan just announced that the invasion of North East Syria has begun.

Let's say you're Donald Trump.  The opposition party hates you, and you've just been busted doing something really, really questionable - so questionable that even your friends are looking away.  Luckily you're still being protected by a bunch of cowards who inexplicably keep pretending not to notice what a slimeball you are.

So what do you do?  Find what's maybe the one, single area of policy where your opponents and your protectors agree wholeheartedly, and blow it all to hell.

Donald Trump is truly one of the stupidest men to walk the earth.
« Last Edit: October 09, 2019, 09:17:18 pm by James Clark »

Robert Roaldi

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Re: The American Constitution
« Reply #2124 on: October 09, 2019, 10:12:29 pm »

It turns out that the Kurds didn't help out in Normandy:

Every day, a new kind of crazy. You can't make this sh*t up.


Alan Klein

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Re: The American Constitution
« Reply #2125 on: October 09, 2019, 10:49:36 pm »

It turns out that the Kurds didn't help out in Normandy:

Every day, a new kind of crazy. You can't make this sh*t up.

The article you linked too did not have the video.  It was a quote taken out of context.  So I looked for it.  Here it is.

The point Trump was making in his usual lack of articulation and clarity, was that the Kurds were fighting for their land against ISIS.  They didn;t send troops to a different battle let's say in Normandy to help us where they had no interest like let's say British troops were sent to the ME to assist the US.  We joined the Kurds and they joined us against ISIS who were trying to take their Kurdish territory. 

I do agree though that I'm queasy about what's going to happen next.  If Turkey just sets aside a buffer of land between the Kurds and their land to prevent Kurdish terror attacks on Turkey, it won't be so bad.  After all, Turkey is in NATO and our ally and has been attacked by Kurdish nationalists.  How do we and the rest of NATO countries including the Netherlands Britain, etc  justify NATO if the members don;t defend each other? 

James Clark

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Re: The American Constitution
« Reply #2126 on: October 09, 2019, 10:57:32 pm »

It turns out that the Kurds didn't help out in Normandy:

Every day, a new kind of crazy. You can't make this sh*t up.

They may not have helped us in Normandy, but I have it on good authority that it was the Kurds who helped capture the airports during the American Revolution.   ;D


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Re: The American Constitution
« Reply #2127 on: October 10, 2019, 03:42:20 am »

And another ally gets betrayed. One can just wait for the resurgence of ISIS ...

To be fair to Trump, this is nothing new. Last time it was the Marsh Arabs in southern Iraq who were encouraged to rebel against Saddam Hussein and got wiped out when the US forgot about them. With friends like this ...

Rob C

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Re: The American Constitution
« Reply #2128 on: October 10, 2019, 04:57:15 am »

The trouble is, the world's economy is a fragile beast, and confidence is what is keeping the balls up in the air.

Think of those big economies of South Korea and Japan: they both rely on American presence to keep them in a state of equilibrium with the giant China. If America suddenly turns out to be unreliable as an ally, how long does anyone imagine it's going to take before those nuclear weapons become far more widely spead across the planet? If anything, it gives North Korea ever more jutification for staying nuke: when you become alone and surrounded by foes, you better have some muscle to flex. NK and China may have some things in common, but I don't believe for a moment NK wants to be part of China; if it did, it could have done that without a shot years ago.

Should South Korea suddenly find itself without an American umbrella, how long do you reckon it would take for the north to walk right in, sit right down and make itself at home? An unreliable, isolationist US could be exactly what NK is patiently waiting to happen. That southern waltz would make them immensely rich and with the military might, as a reunited land, to remain safe.

Turning yourself into an unreliable person or country has never done anyone any good. Kurds may be living and fighting in some - to the US - shithole, but don't forget that news spreads fast, and other, more prosperous allies also think about relationships and their relative values in the light of present revelations of perfidious close friends...

Iran learned that lesson decades ago. Does anyone, apart from Israel itself, believe Israel has some divine right to nukes? Really? Gobbling land as it already does?

Isolationism may strike Trump as a clever move, but were it not for the fact that using lower-wage economies to produce US company products has made those products marketable throughout the world, the US would be a far smaller economy than it currently is. If you insist on paying yourselves more than others do, don't be surprised when others can't afford your goods, and you eventually discover that neither can you.

Alan Klein

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Re: The American Constitution
« Reply #2129 on: October 10, 2019, 08:00:35 am »

If Trump supported the Kurds who have been attacking Turkey in their quest for a national state,  he would have been accused of stabbing a NATO ally in the back who we swore to defend and who has been a security ally since the end of WWII.  How could the Netherlands,  Britain,  and all the other NATO nations depend on America in the future?

You see,  this has to do with the 2020 presidential election.   Nothing else.  The Republicans who attack him are fools who got caught up by the anti Trump press bias.


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Re: The American Constitution
« Reply #2130 on: October 10, 2019, 08:18:07 am »

If Trump supported the Kurds who have been attacking Turkey in their quest for a national state,  he would have been accused of stabbing a NATO ally in the back who we swore to defend and who has been a security ally since the end of WWII. 

With a friend like Turkey, you don't need enemies.  They are anything but an ally. Cozying up to Putin and buying Russian S-400 missiles.

The deal, worth about $2 billion and consummated this week, has consequences far beyond the cost to Ankara's defense budget.
It calls into question the decades-long strategic relationship between Turkey and the US, and even Turkey's credentials as a NATO member.

The US also threatened new sanctions should Turkey complete the S-400 contract, prompting Erdogan to claim on the sidelines of the G-20 summit: "It is out of question between two strategic partners. I think it should not happen."
NATO is also concerned that the S-400 deal will affect Turkey's ability to cooperate with other alliance members.
« Last Edit: October 10, 2019, 08:39:43 am by LesPalenik »

Robert Roaldi

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Re: The American Constitution
« Reply #2131 on: October 10, 2019, 08:39:58 am »

If Trump supported the Kurds who have been attacking Turkey in their quest for a national state,  he would have been accused of stabbing a NATO ally in the back who we swore to defend and who has been a security ally since the end of WWII.  How could the Netherlands,  Britain,  and all the other NATO nations depend on America in the future?

You see,  this has to do with the 2020 presidential election.   Nothing else.  The Republicans who attack him are fools who got caught up by the anti Trump press bias.

I don't understand your point. By extolling protectionism Trump is telling the world not to rely on the US. What else could it mean? This may be good or bad in the long run, I couldn't pretend to predict, but one thing it means is that some countries (like Turkey) will find alliances elsewhere (like Russia). It's hard to tell what Trump's long-term foreign policy objectives really are, assuming he has any, but it's pretty clear that by taking these impulsive actions without consulting the foreign and military affairs adults in the room, he is not making the US look reliable. Maybe this method works in commercial real-estate deals but why would anyone think it works in international relations. Now you may say, who cares, but that's kind of short-sighted. It's 2019, there's no such thing as isolationism anymore. And given that the US has military bases all over the planet, declaring yourselves isolationist is a bit hard to believe in the first place.

Your last US-centric point that this is only about the 2020 election needs some re-thinking, imo. Do you really believe that the other 7 billion people on earth give a crap who wins the next US election? If Trump wins again, not unlikely, it's just a signal to the rest of the planet that the US cannot be taken seriously as a world player. The guy threatens wars on Twitter, then changes the subject during the next news cycle. You don't seem to have a problem with that, but you know North Korea still has nukes, Trump did not accomplish a thing there, he just says he did. Scott Adams (of Dilbert fame) calls Trump a master persuader. Who is he persuading, I'd like to know. OTOH, people still fall for those online Nigerian financial scams, don't they.


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Re: The American Constitution
« Reply #2132 on: October 10, 2019, 08:43:09 am »

The guy threatens wars on Twitter, then changes the subject during the next news cycle.

Poor guy. According to his Twitter timestamps, he didn't get any sleep last night.

Alan Klein

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Re: The American Constitution
« Reply #2133 on: October 10, 2019, 10:17:35 am »

Look I have no love of Erdogan but Turkey is still a NATO ally.  We have a security agreement with them.  Sure they bought Russia missiles which I don;t like.  But that;s because our relationship has soured, a dangerous situation for allies.  We've have had Incirlik Air Base there for decades providing our air forces to be used against Al Qaeda and other enemies.   When the Soviet Union was around, we used Incirlik for U2 and Black Bird spy missions over the USSR and Red China.  We probably still do spy missions out of there.

The American press hates Trump.  They spin everything to make him look bad like their misinterpretation of the Normandy comment.  The papers could just as easily have said "Trump Stands By NATO Ally Turkey in their conflict with Kurdish Nationalists".  Then you would be seeing it in a different light.  Turkey has a legitimate complaints that the Kurds are taking Turkey territory for their homeland and killing Turks.  While I support a Kurdistan homeland for Kurds, we can't get in the middle.  We didn't have troops there before, so why now?  Somehow things worked without us being their then.  So these two peoples will just have to work it out on their own.  Are we suppose to go to war with Turkey to force a Kurdish homeland?  You guys always complain America sticks its nose in where it doesn;t belong.  So now you flipped it and want us to remain stirring up things some more.  Frankly, this is all about the election in 2020.
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