I always thought myself a realist, until I decided to become a pro photographer, of course, at which point I threw up my own hands and declared myself to be in those of God.
I guess He knew what I was doing! :-)
Trouble with political cant is that it prevents the acceptance of another party's beliefs when those are, indeed, good for the general population.
I have never voted "left" but admire the thinking behind the Brit National Health Service, if only because I know how expensive and, as a direct result, how many aspects of keeping alive are beyond the average Joe. Your life should not depend on your ability to turn a trick in bed or in business.
Having always voted "right" (when I could vote!) does not blind me to the folly of those who still live in fantasies of the Britain of Queen Victoria's day today.
You'd imagine that a coalition govt. would provide the answer, but of course it can't: each bit strives to become top cat...
Sometimes, were I allowed to drink again, I'd open another bottle of Gordon's and bid this crazy world good night for another 24 hours.
Instead, I get pissed off at myself and most things else.