Hi Dave, thanks for your reply. Let me explain why I still need Photoshop to do my retouching:
According CaptureOne “For most repair work, particularly skin blemishes or large expanses of sky with a slight gradient, the Heal tool should be the first choice” and “the brush-based Heal tool should be adopted when more complex and precise repairing of imperfections is required”. So far so good but now it comes “Only one sampling point can be set per layer, though, up to 16 layers can be created for one image”.
So for every sample point I need to create a new layer, and I’m limited to 16. Who invented this utterly cr@p? What were they smoking in Denmark? This is absolutely unworkable. Just as in Photoshop I need to select as many sampling points as I require for retouching that image, and all in one layer.
Oh yeah, there is one other annoyance: C1 defaults vertical keystoning to 80%. Why is this not a configurable preset? Again, what were they smoking? Something like “we know better and our customers are idiots wanting to correct their architectural images at 100% vertical keystoning” Does the C1 team know the working of a shift lens?
Apart from this I really, really appreciate everything else C1 provides.