I'd still be interested to know how all the people who didn't like it were being forced to read it. The decision is fine, but I'm utterly stunned at the number of folks who have been upset or annoyed or in some way put out due to voluntarily reading content they didn't like. Again and again.
Those discussions dominantly popped up in my Tapatalk feed. I didn’t bother to read and the few times a looked into it, with big eyes, it was a kind of not so funny amusement, like a B movie, the popcorn bucket was to big to eat before the interest fainted.
I noticed, by moments, that a sour tone sneaked into other treads as well.
I was moderator on other photo fora and when peoples got pissed for whatever reasons it reflected in all other sections of the site.
I think I recognized it here as well.
Members using their on line time for political or other ranting usually don’t contribute much to the real content of the site. More, they react with the inner f*cked Up feeling and enforce a negative spiral whole over the place.