I don't visit the forums much but I've seen politics ruin other forums too (photography forums). It ruins the mood anyway. I really don't care about anyone else's political view on a photography forum. There are plenty of other places to discuss (argue) politics on the internet anyway. I don't know why anyone would be offended that you can't discuss politics here either. If I'm paying the bills I'd feel free to say whatever I want, but if someone else is paying the bills, then I will gladly limit my topics to those that the bill payer says is ok. The payer is the sayer ;-) I haven't read ANY of the replies to this posting but there usually seem to be some people that feel their free speech is being trampled. That's nonsense and any adult should have a little sense and recognize that again, the payer is the sayer :-) If you want politics, feel free to register your own domain, get your site created and pay the bills to keep your own political discussion forum up and running. Otherwise, stick to what everyone knows this site is about anyway...photography.