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Author Topic: Classic Left-Wing Logic  (Read 14984 times)


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Re: Classic Left-Wing Logic
« Reply #20 on: May 18, 2018, 12:44:21 am »

A few years ago, when California was having their bad drought, I flew through LAX airport. Went to the toilet with carry-on bag and a big winter coat. The toilets were all auto flushers. Some sort of motion detector.

Toilet flushed as soon as I entered. Flushed again as I stowed my bag and took off my coat. Flushed again when I sat down. Flushed again when I got up. Flushed two more times as I put on my coat and hoisted my bag. I stood outside the stall for a minute and listened to constant flushing from the row of 10 stalls. But I'm sure they were all water saving toilets. It's a left wing state.

I suspect that they used very small motion sensors. What they need is a full frame or larger sensor which will reduce the noise and can operate reliably at longer exposures.
« Last Edit: May 18, 2018, 01:25:14 am by LesPalenik »

Rob C

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Re: Classic Left-Wing Logic
« Reply #21 on: May 18, 2018, 04:48:33 am »

Aha, so dry systems are not dry; they are simply automatically switched on and off.

Smacks of the ambitious advertising that turns buyers of brand X cameras into stunning photographers.

As Slobodan suggested, a shitty deal or, at least, a case of being pissed off by false claims; dry urinals indeed - reeks of falsehoods!


Rob C

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Re: Classic Left-Wing Logic
« Reply #22 on: May 18, 2018, 08:38:52 am »

This is a classic of why data is not the plural anecdote.  You have 2 units, one works and one doesn't.  That the one that doesn't work very well is dual flush is not proof that dual flush systems are less reliable.

As I said, they've been mandatory here for decades.  No problems.  Get a reliable unit :-)

One man's logic...

If you want a broader base, then, let's look at it this way: of the many blondes I have known and worked with, not one would have crossed my mind as wife material. Whether born of deep mistrust of a personality that chooses to walk around as a fake (I know no women who have genuinely retained their baby blonde locks, though I am willing to extend trust to Scandinavia and possibly even Germany) or simply because I see their principal value as backighting material, period, the only girl I would have married was the one I did: a brunette.

Maybe I only met exceptions in both camps.



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Re: Classic Left-Wing Logic
« Reply #23 on: May 18, 2018, 09:41:35 am »

One man's logic...

If you want a broader base, then, let's look at it this way: of the many blondes I have known and worked with, not one would have crossed my mind as wife material. Whether born of deep mistrust of a personality that chooses to walk around as a fake (I know no women who have genuinely retained their baby blonde locks, though I am willing to extend trust to Scandinavia and possibly even Germany) or simply because I see their principal value as backighting material, period, the only girl I would have married was the one I did: a brunette.

Maybe I only met exceptions in both camps.


Rob, don't forget your brunette married a cool guy with luxuriant hair.



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Re: Classic Left-Wing Logic
« Reply #24 on: May 18, 2018, 09:43:31 am »

Maybe I only met exceptions in both camps.


I don't think so, Rob. I pretty much had the same experience.
Russ Lewis

Paulo Bizarro

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Re: Classic Left-Wing Logic
« Reply #25 on: May 18, 2018, 10:01:59 am »

Hilarious. Not sure how it's left-wing logic. I'm guessing that anything Russ doesn't like/agree with is left-wing.

BTW, we've had these for years here in Europe. They have two settings; one fully empties the water cistern & is perfect for clearing away solid waste, the other uses less water & is ideal for clearing urine. But that's us socialist lizard-alien commie nazis in Eurostan, so just ignore us.

Indeed, even in lowly Portugal we have these for years. And those who are really left-wing-inclined can just open an old model and insert a bottle to reduce the necessary BS-cleaning-wiping flushing amount.

Paulo Bizarro

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Re: Classic Left-Wing Logic
« Reply #26 on: May 18, 2018, 10:04:36 am »

That thing has always puzzled me. Isn’t saving the water actually detrimental to the environment? I mean, a more concentrated sewage is entering rivers and oceans, no?

Even in Portugal, we have sewage and water treatment stations that clean and treat the stuff before entering the Ocean.

In Oman, irrigation water comes from treated sewer, smells bad, it is non-potable, but does the job.

Paulo Bizarro

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Re: Classic Left-Wing Logic
« Reply #27 on: May 18, 2018, 10:05:46 am »

One of my loos has a dual system and the other loo is of the old, traditional and reliable type. It works perfectly.

The two-choice mother wastes a lot of water. I have been driven to a nervous state now where, every time I flush the thing, one half of the switch or the other, I end up having to wait until everything goes silent just to confirm the device has not jammed, as was it's wont, and which, undetected, ran through hours of wasted water in a land where water is both expensive and scarce.

Like I say, things often improve without getting any the better.


Perhaps you need to learn how to use a "piacaba" - toilet brush to push the BS down the thing?

Paulo Bizarro

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Re: Classic Left-Wing Logic
« Reply #28 on: May 18, 2018, 10:07:11 am »

Enjoyed the pun!

How does a dry urinal work? Are they exclusive to art galleries?

no, in shopping centers in Portugal we have them too.

Robert Roaldi

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Re: Classic Left-Wing Logic
« Reply #29 on: May 18, 2018, 11:19:44 am »

That thing has always puzzled me. Isn’t saving the water actually detrimental to the environment? I mean, a more concentrated sewage is entering rivers and oceans, no?

I'm no expert, but one issue is that we use the same clean fresh water to flush turd as we use for cooking and cleaning, and it is a dwindling resource in many places so using less of it to do the same job makes sense. We've had dual-flush toilets in Canada too for a while. I used to hear people complain about how civilization would collapse because of the transition, in much the same way that our culture nose-dived when we moved to re-usable cloth grocery bags or when we started separating compostable garbage from paper and plastic. Incredibly, we survived.

Funny because I would have thought that old geezers who used to walk 10 miles to school each way (and it was uphill both ways) would not be so scared of making do with less of what we don't actually need. I guess the operating principle is that if some "greenie" thought it up then it must be bad.

Four legs good, two legs better.

Rob C

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Re: Classic Left-Wing Logic
« Reply #30 on: May 18, 2018, 11:43:38 am »

Indeed, even in lowly Portugal we have these for years. And those who are really left-wing-inclined can just open an old model and insert a bottle to reduce the necessary BS-cleaning-wiping flushing amount.

Makes me think of poor old Fatty Arbuckle. My Ms Coke wouldn't stand for it. At all.

Bet he wished he's been more conservative.


Rob C

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Re: Classic Left-Wing Logic
« Reply #31 on: May 18, 2018, 11:50:11 am »

Rob, don't forget your brunette married a cool guy with luxuriant hair.


It still is, in my dreams. Not that I dream about it much, but if I did, than it would be.

When I wake up in the morning, after checking everything's still there, I swing up (slowly and carefully) to a sitting position and greet the stranger in the mirror with a smile before pulling the strands of rat's tail back together again and anchoring them with a band. It's quite a ritual now; I'd miss the old bugger if he wasn't there one morning.



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Re: Classic Left-Wing Logic
« Reply #32 on: May 18, 2018, 03:28:26 pm »

One of my loos has a dual system and the other loo is of the old, traditional and reliable type. It works perfectly.

The two-choice mother wastes a lot of water. I have been driven to a nervous state now where, every time I flush the thing, one half of the switch or the other, I end up having to wait until everything goes silent just to confirm the device has not jammed, as was it's wont, and which, undetected, ran through hours of wasted water in a land where water is both expensive and scarce.


Well sheesh Rob, fix it!


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Re: Classic Left-Wing Logic
« Reply #33 on: May 18, 2018, 03:37:39 pm »

When the Comcast Center in Philly was going up, the original idea was to install waterless urinals, saving on both water and raw materials in the plumbing.  Then the pipe fitters union protested.

So it was built with waterless urinals, and all the plumbing as if it was not waterless.  So more then a million dollars of plumbing was installed that sits ideal and is never actually used. 

That's waste for you.

Utter nonsense. Waterless urinals require a drain line, they just do not need to be flushed.

Rob C

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Re: Classic Left-Wing Logic
« Reply #34 on: May 18, 2018, 03:47:06 pm »

Well sheesh Rob, fix it!

What's to fix? It's how it works. Sometimes, if you keep your finger on the economy part of the switch bit it gives a short flush and stops; other times, it just runs and runs until you take your finger off. The full-flush-of-youth part of the switch gives a mighty flush of excitement, and usually does its job well. Other times, unless you check when the noise stops, it has risen up to the proper position, appearing to have done its cycle in full, but it's just fooling you. The cure is to hit it hard again, at which point the thing sinks back in, then rights itself.

I suppose that's the fix.


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Re: Classic Left-Wing Logic
« Reply #35 on: May 18, 2018, 10:39:32 pm »

Get a better quality one that isn't, well, shit.
Phil Brown


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Re: Classic Left-Wing Logic
« Reply #36 on: May 19, 2018, 03:29:06 am »

It still is, in my dreams. Not that I dream about it much, but if I did, than it would be.

When I wake up in the morning, after checking everything's still there, I swing up (slowly and carefully) to a sitting position and greet the stranger in the mirror with a smile before pulling the strands of rat's tail back together again and anchoring them with a band. It's quite a ritual now; I'd miss the old bugger if he wasn't there one morning.


I'm lost - are we still talking about hair ?


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Re: Classic Left-Wing Logic
« Reply #37 on: May 19, 2018, 03:31:53 am »

Every time you flush one of our new government-dictated low-flush toilets you save water. When you flush it three times to clear it, just THINK of all the water you're saving.

It takes a special kind of numskull to see a Communist plot behind a simple choice of plumbing. Tinfoil, Russ, that's what you need!

Rob C

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Re: Classic Left-Wing Logic
« Reply #38 on: May 19, 2018, 04:33:15 am »

I'm lost - are we still talking about hair ?

In the mane main. (As in Sally Mann: What remains. A time exposure, as it were.)


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Re: Classic Left-Wing Logic
« Reply #39 on: May 19, 2018, 12:35:57 pm »

A few years ago, when California was having their bad drought, I flew through LAX airport. Went to the toilet with carry-on bag and a big winter coat. The toilets were all auto flushers. Some sort of motion detector.

Toilet flushed as soon as I entered. Flushed again as I stowed my bag and took off my coat. Flushed again when I sat down. Flushed again when I got up. Flushed two more times as I put on my coat and hoisted my bag. I stood outside the stall for a minute and listened to constant flushing from the row of 10 stalls. But I'm sure they were all water saving toilets. It's a left wing state.

WTF do auto-flush toilets have to do with a left wing state?
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