Jonhy boy...seems like from your viewpoint, everything Nikon touches is gold...far from it. If one loves to lug around a brick all day, the 810 is your camera...but from a portability and joy to travel can keep that brick in it's box on the shelf. With the IQ so close between the 810 and A7R2, it's really not a choice when it comes to comfort when traveling and the ability to handhold in dim light.
It seems the only way you can make a point is to insult, exaggerate, and claim quotations that never were said.
Can you reference the line of any post where I said, "Everything Nikon touches turns to gold?"
Can you cite any reference where the D810 is classified as "a brick?"
I said the Nikon D810 has the best base ISO performance of any DSLR and cited my references. I also said the D810 has more high-end-primes available to it than any other FF body.
Logic would hold that, if the D810
can produce the cleanest images, if it has
more available lens options, that this would make it the more all-around-useful tool.
The truth is your preference (A7rII) is only optimal within a much smaller parameter, given its available-lens limitations.
Hog, why do you feel the need to pollute every Nikon thread with your derision and exaggeration? Is it because you realize that, if you stuck with the truth, then you'd have nothing to say?
Oh by the way Johny, nice move over on FM creating another account after you got locked out...for being a Nikon fanboy... 
I haven't 'moved over' from anywhere; I am
a paying member of FM Forum as well.
Do you think it's possible for you to be civil?
Do you think it's possible for you to
stick to facts when you post (and resist your penchant for derision, exaggeration, and lies)?
I suppose it would be best for me to put you on my ignore list. After all, if one plays with hogs they cannot help but get filthy.