Mike, I do not remember anyone posting something genuine for the first time and being immediately attacked or ridiculed. When something like that happens, it is usually after things escalate over time. Most new posters are generally welcome here. If someone came here and said something smart and worthwhile that resulted in an attack, there are many here, myself included, that would jump to their defense (as you just did). I sincerely invite Gary to say something, instead of just complaining how the water is not warm enough.
My point being, this isn't an ideal world in which one can wait till this forum (and the world) becomes perfectly nice and polite to participate. Because that is never going to happen - we are all human, after all. So, if you have something to say, go ahead and say it. Test your stance. While some of the responses might be less than palatable, they still might contain a kernel (or more) of truth. That's the proper learning environment, when your stance is vigorously challenged, not when you are coddled. Kids, who are accustomed of getting a blue ribbon for being 37th in a race, then step into the real, grown-up world, where nobody gives a damn how nice you tried. The world where you don't get rewarded for efforts, but for results.