... There are a lot of high and mighty keyboard warriors who seem to have no purpose other to break down other peoples comments sentence by sentence and ridicule them...
The keyboard warrior "with no other purpose" you have in mind is, at the same time, a renown expert in his field, who frequently offers his highly esteemed expertise for free in these forums.
Another member of this forum is equally renown, a multiple book author, and highly esteemed expert in his field, yet is also quite well known for his abrasive debate style in forums (when and if provoked).
People come in packages, good with bad.
The question is, do we want to throw the baby out with the bathwater? Shall we ban the two prominent experts because they can behave, on occasion, nasty? Or shall we try to send them to a verbal-abuse rehab? Or simply man up and ignore it or respond in kind? One thing I can tell you ain't work: forcing them to change.