Apologies if this seems off topic but, as I see it, what I'm about to describe falls into much the same space. Regarding Capture One's keywording capabilities, I never use them. Put more succinctly, Capture One's handling of image metadata leaves much to be desired. Or, to be kind, not quite IPTC compliant.
To explain, in my image prep workflow, usually use Adobe's Bridge to rename and grade/select my images and to add basic metadata and keywords. In the process, add this verbiage to the RIGHTS USAGE TERMS field: "This is a Rights Managed image. Usage and fees must be agreed on prior to any use. Any use requires a license clearly stating the type of use, where, for how long, all applicable licensing fees and the full payment thereof. Any unlicensed commercial use, any unlicensed publication or any unauthorised reproductions, likenesses, redistribution, or exploitation for personal or corporate gain is strictly prohibited". Verbose perhaps but, that's my choice and its there for all to see - for those who can or get to see it.
Once Capture One has finished with my metadata (as applied in Bridge and is read my every other application I use that can read and write metadata), this is what I get, or rather, this is what I am left with in that same space after prepping/processing my RAW file in Capture One: "This is a Rights Managed image. Usage and fees must be agreed o". Blam and that's it. The rest has gone. Maybe the good folk a Phase One are "clipping" this space for some other purpose? Who knows?
This issue goes back to version 5 and maybe earlier. I have brought this matter to the attention of technical support several times and, its still there in the latest version of Capture One. I mean, really, given this product's maturity?
In the greater scheme of things, this might just be a "blemish" but its still a mark on what is otherwise a good product. Being a Fuji camera shooter, Capture One stands alone when comes to processing Fuji's brand of RAW images. At the moment I have a major exhibition up and running and where the prints have been enlarged to 24 inches along their longest edge. I attribute sharpness and acuity of the images in these prints to using Capture One - this to be fair. Would be nice to see this minor issue fixed for once and for all.