About the Michael Tapes Sony review, a couple of comments:
I buy his products, and have a lot of respect for the guy, but he refers to the Sony a couple of times as a game changer -- I got the feeling it's only a game changer in terms of badly underexposing (by four or five stops) extremely high ISO images, and if you don't do that, then there's hardly any difference between it and the Nikon, and not much between it and the 50mp Canon. There may be some circumstances when you do underexpose by four or five stops at ISO 6400 (or 3200), but I'm not sure then that you need the color recovery, because you're basically then shooting in the dark, and you encounter the same questions that you do with the Northern Lights article, that is, do you want to recover color that the eye can't see? Again, there may be some circumstances where you do (as in police surveillance) but for most of us, rather than being a game-changer, it seems to me that in terms of dynamic range, the Sony is roughly equal to the Nikon, but the Nikon might be a slight bit better in the very ISO ranges that are most used. In other words, it really comes down to what you do, and what you like, and how the camera feels, rather than any particular sensor advantage.
I think the test was well-done, but I have to say, I prefer written reviews. I first looked at this at a coffee shop, but the wi-fi going into my MacAir was so slow that the video kept outrunning the buffer, and then everything would stop. I essentially couldn't watch it until I got home, and I think that a lot of people who are traveling or using a coffee-shop wifi couldn't watch it, either.