by that logic anybody who feels incensed can do the same... now you have all the rights to be "incensed", but going right away to complain urbi et orbi is childish...
do have a right to be incensed and you
do have a right to speak out publicly. At least where I'm from you do.
Also (again), calling his measured, thoughtful response "childish" or an "outburst" is a gross mischaracterization. If you'd like to read a real outburst so you can compare and contrast, I suggest you read Shirley Manson's (Yes,
that Shirley Manson — the lead singer of the very band we are talking about) open letter to Kayne West: seems most people here recognize that Pope was not trying to turn this "offer" into a paying deal, but his goal was to change the way business is conducted and hopefully show people that working for credit is not sustainable and planning projects centered on photographs with zero photography budget is a bad practice. If you agree that this is his goal, you have to see that quietly dealing with each of these requests one by one is a losing a battle. It's like quietly suggesting each telemarketer remove your number rather than trying to speak out about the problem and effect change on a larger scale. People speak out publicly all the time when they see something they perceive as injustice — it's why we have editorials in newspapers and why we have freedom of speech. People speaking out publicly, or as you call it having "hysterical public reaction/tantrums" is why women can vote, why we have a minimum wage, why we don't use child labor, why we have labeling on food, why we have representative government. For every small step we have taken toward a more just world there has been some outspoke hero that has made themselves heard over a chorus of voices, like yours, telling them they should just being quiet.