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Author Topic: You sold 17 million albums and you want to pay me nothing  (Read 46577 times)


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Re: You sold 17 million albums and you want to pay me nothing
« Reply #120 on: May 16, 2015, 07:02:51 pm »

The vanity "value" to an amateur may be enough to just stroke his ego.   A price is established by what a willing buyer and willing seller agree too.  Unless there's duress, it's not theft or tantamount to theft.  A photographer just has to say "no".  If it's a one-of-a-kind photo, than it would be worth monetary value to the buyer.  But if the buyer can get a similar photo for the cost of "vanity", than that's all the photo is worth, despite what you think it's worth.    

This may sound cruel, but that's how it works.  Better the photographer understand the market and adjust his game plan to create a photography niche that he could sell to and make money.  Tilting windmills or shoveling s**t against the tide is no way for a businessman to operate.  

I rather feat that you are getting a little too hung up on this whole amateur/professional divide. There is no sharp line or even foggy grey area in between, it's a graduation from one extreme to another nowadays and to try and operate on the basis that those who manage to make a living out of it are entitled to something that those who don't, are not, undermines any notion of value. Instead, all it does is confirm within the purchasers mind that they needn't pay for an image if it's taken by an amateur, and if that's the case why bother with pro's at all?


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Re: You sold 17 million albums and you want to pay me nothing
« Reply #121 on: May 16, 2015, 07:07:49 pm »

Flagship digital Pro digital cameras, I started with the Nikon D1, cost on average 3-4 times more than a a comparable film camera. Film and processing costs were met by commissioning clients.

No matter how slick and knowledgeable at processing and archiving RAW digital files, digital sports imagery (processing images) involves a brutal amount of time compared to film - film was left to a pro lab which meant more time could be spent taking pictures at the event and/or accepting other work.

You are falling into the trap of thinking that digital photography is cheaper than film, nothing could be further from the truth.


And that is something that clients fail to comprehend as well. The number of times I have been on an assignment, taken loads of photos and then be expected to hand them all over willy nilly is beyond sensible belief. Some people do appreciate that good images take time to produce, but that doesn't mean to say they are willing to pay for them.

Colorado David

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Re: You sold 17 million albums and you want to pay me nothing
« Reply #122 on: May 16, 2015, 11:24:31 pm »

I think using a non-pro photo for no monetary compensation is different  than trying to use a pro's photo.

If someone wants to have something that belongs to you and engages in trickery to achieve it, does it really matter what you do for a living?  If you fail to call theft by its real name does that make it any less of a theft? No to both questions.


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Re: You sold 17 million albums and you want to pay me nothing
« Reply #123 on: May 17, 2015, 08:46:20 am »

This thread has inspired my latest blog -

Rainer SLP

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Re: You sold 17 million albums and you want to pay me nothing
« Reply #124 on: May 17, 2015, 01:09:53 pm »

Thanks and regards Rainer
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