So should we listen to you if you don't take stellar photos?
On the subject of macro, yes, as I have taken a few stellar macro shots.
That is, unless you take = or better macro images. Then we can have a discussion (or I will listen).
On other aspects of photography, no. Nor would I offer advice.
You do post often on a number of subjects.
Mostly asking questions, which is the proper role for someone who isn't in the position to teach anything.
According to your stellar photo requirement no.
See above.
I don't think your requirement makes entirely sense though as it excludes valuable opinions from a discussion, opinions like yours.
You're confusing idle chit-chat, and philosophical musings, with
actually listening to (and
following) what somebody else does.
I can philosophize with you all day long (have a BA on the subject), but that doesn't mean anyone should follow what I do photographically.
Now, if you're a beginner in macro, I could teach you a few things to improve what you do. But if you're a highly-advanced macro shooter, you could teach me a few things.
Any opinion is only "valuable" if following it helps produce your desired results.
There isn't too much that's valuable about idle chit-chat; it's mostly a time-killer (like playing solitaire) ...
But if you post something that is truly valuable to me (as Michael Erlewine
posted on specialized macro lenses), then I may well actually listen and follow what I perceive to be good advice, based on knowledge, experience, and being able to produce an image I like (of which he did all, in that article).
A statement should be taken on its own and not on the authority of the one who said it.
Totally disagree.
The "merit" of any statements made, in photography, are
the photos that following the advice produces.
If a person makes statement-after-statement, but can produce nothing desirable following the very "advice" he gives, who wants to listen

But if a guy makes statement-after-statement, and follows each statement with several compelling examples, then pretty much everyone will listen.
Remember, even a stopped clock is right twice a day.
Not sure how that applies.
I think the statement,
"Actions (in this case, photos) speak louder than words," is a far more applicable statement to this discussion.
If the statement doesn't make sense then credentials might be valuable.
Statements made almost invariably need supportive illustrations ... while great photographs need no statements to back them up ...