Firstly I'm not a troll but I am upset, so this is for advise if there is a kind sole out there in forum land. I may be missing a trick or two. I would
like to warn others of what I believe is a bug in Aperture.
I only use Apple and Canon and was always unhappy with the giant user unfriendly Adobe PS. Only use it for the excellent Canon printing plugins now.
When Apple still had a show in London I was second in the que to ask about Aperture after it was presented for the first time.
THIS was more like it. Built for photographers, safe as no masterfile monkeying about and a library GUI.
I have tried Lightroom but can't get on with it and why must it get so top heavy with features and overly complex? My opinion.
If I need a certain function thats what third party plugins are for.
I have five libraries that have different types of images in them. Two weeks ago I randomly opened a project featuring a feisty Leopard that almost took out my friend to see Aperture re processing, and files falling over, like something out of The Matrix !!!!!!!!
I am currently running Snow Leopard and Aperture 3.2 but have Maverick and the latest Aperture version waiting on a separate HD partition. I like to wait before adopting a new OS, do all the update and house work first. Lion was not worth the effort.
Anyway this library holds two years of African photography mainly in Namibia and SA and is irreplaceable.
Project after project has failed.
over 100 projects and 11000 photographs useless raws.
The other libraries are OK it seems.
Now this is what I think has happened.
Library 1 had some later projects that were from Africa and I decided to move them into library 3, where all files were exclusive to African photography. I wanted to edit and tidy up before moving to the new OS and Aperture and used the library export function both add and in some cases merge where project names were similar. I checked the moved projects to see the previews were there but did not open the files or notice Aperture processing which it should not do as they were already processed.
All seemed OK, it's not like I have not done this before.
I deleted the original projects from Library 1.
I think Aperture has corrupted many of these moved files and although most preview images open OK, Aperture then starts to process files and the previews start to go black, image file not supported, noise in preview and just not there and wrong files in wrong projects.
This library shares a HD with another which is OK, but I still moved both out and ran HD check and the disk passed all the tests.
I have always worried about HD failure, although the only ones to fail were where the OS and apps were, I have never lost a HD holding files only.
BUT of course Aperture libraries are part of the app.
I have tried the usual Aperture fault correction tool, and even Tech Tools 7.
The disk unmounted.
I got the library back with Vault, but as I update Vault after doing work it was corrupted.
I used Time machine also but the same issue as I had replaced the external HD where I keep Time Machines files and had to start over about the same time as I moved the original projects. So I could not go back far enough.
I used to keep Raw files from the flash cards on DVD but it became unmanageable and Apple has never supported BluRay, so I have very limited files backed up this way.
I have trawled through the web and come across reports of a bug that Apple has never addressed, but most people are able to get their files back and it seems the function I like Aperture for, DAM or at least a good GUI for handling files is the culprit.
I have worked for a week into the small hours and have only save a third of my work. So I trotted up to Apple in London while visiting family, I live in Dorset, and got advise based on an Aperture pro apps specialist dealing with the support phone call when I am back home. It was put to me it may have to escalate to the design team in the USA. Not unusual to me as I have received calls from other companies before on this basis and very good they were to.
The support call was a waste of everyones time. The Apple guy was polite but knew no more than me. The remote session covered everything I had tried. He asked a colleague, read boss for advise, and then informed me it was a file corruption and not app issue so nothing to do with Apple and ended the call.
Oh yeah.
I know people are looking to migrate to other apps as Apple does not want to continue with further versions of Aperture, be wary of moving Aperture libraries.
Regards to all.