With the exception of the expensive RIPs, I've tried many different b&w options, from the channel mixer in Photoshop, through the conversion in Lightroom, ABW, and QTR, and have settled on using Silver Effex and doing a straight print. I took a class in Silver Effex from a friend and colleague and learned of its many features. And no I do not work for Nik Software or whomever owns it now. Silver Effex gives impressive control over the process and can produce stunning results. It can also be overdone and produce ghastly results, I know, I've done both. Were there no Silver Effex, I'd certainly use QTR, Roy Harrington wrote and supports a superb piece of software at a very affordable price, a genuine bargain for what you get. I was never able to really do the soft proofing but got to know it pretty well during the time I printed with it. In fact, I've recently experimented with Silver Effex, no toning and then printing in QTR, quite interesting and with impressive potential. I wonder if anyone else has tried this approach.