Dear Guillermo,
Please show me were on this respected website the gain in DR is visible..., I see only decline (see attachement). Of course, Dynamic range is specified as total range, not when underexposing images (which is where S/N ratios for specific luminance levels matter). As I've said before, and we agree on that (I think), with underexposure there are some benefits to (modest ISO increases, more effective on some cameras than others).
Bart, this really surprises me coming from you: one thing is the
MAXIMUM DR that a sensor could capture for a given ISO value, which DxO measurements represent perfectly and is always decreasing with increasing ISO.
Another story is the particular situation we have here with ETTR: the RAW data are underexposed at base ISO (right side of the histogram empty, you forgot to red highlight that important point in your quote) and we cannot collect more photons with shutter/aperture. In this situation, pushing ISO:
1. Doesn’t make use loose any highlight information because the histogram is empty there, we are just getting closer to ETTR
2. Provides better SNR in the shadows
If we don’t loose HL DR, but gain shadows DR, we are gaining total
MAXIMUM DR is not always the same as
CAPTURED DR, they are only the same when perfect ETTR is achieved.