There is definitely a problem with Capture one pro v 8 and Yosemite on a Macbook pro. Everything is fine until one exports an image to Photoshop. It ends up very grainy with a lot of color noise. This occurs independent of the output format (psd, tiff, jpg) with no upscaling and occurs even if openGL is turned off for processing. This is a showstopper.
Well you made me very nervous so I thought I'd give it a go, 7.2.3 vs 8
MBP/R 13" (early 2013 build)
3.0 i7
Open CL to Auto in both
First... much faster than 7.X... I mean 4-5X faster in processing mode
If I output a DNG to LR everything has a very strong green cast in both
If I output in Tiff to LR files perfect. No grain, no cast, no apparent loss of detail
tried it twice to be sure... same outcome both times
won't argue what you see, but not here... same when I open in Preview too