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The View

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Capture One Pro 7 - The Catalog is garbage software!
« on: April 21, 2014, 12:55:30 am »

I just closed Capture One Pro 7 an hour ago.

Now I can't open it again.

It crashes every time I do that.

I know what it is: the catalog has become corrupted AGAIN: that's the FIFTH TIME this poorly designed and coded catalog software has become corrupted.

Many hours of work are again lost.

This shows that Capture One Pro 7 is NOT professional grade - that it cannot be relied on.

The reason is: Phase One does not lift a finger to rewrite bad sections of the catalog code.

Many reports have already shown the catalog is not good.

Did Phase One do anything about it?

No, it didn't. The updates to CO7 pro were so minor they never addressed the key area: that the catalog is outdated, old code (from an old microsoft database software, so I heard).

The bill pays the user: with many, many hours trying to fix the results of yet another crash of Capture One Pro 7.

My situation is now, that I have a deadline, and I lost adjustments and ratings to about 2000 images.

I will take another look at Lightroom. That catalog works.

By the way: I can't find the backup. I searched for "Capture One pro backup" on my computer - nothing. I checked application support: nothing.

I have one older catalog completely copied on an external hard drive, but it's not up to date. This was my emergency-emergency backup (which could come in handy, as the co7 regular backup is nowhere to be found).

« Last Edit: April 21, 2014, 01:28:16 am by The View »
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Re: Capture One Pro 7 - The Catalog is garbage software!
« Reply #1 on: April 21, 2014, 01:41:10 am »

Under Preferences/General you can easily find the location of your catalog backups.
Mine are under Application Support/Capture One/ Backups (in the user library)
« Last Edit: April 21, 2014, 01:43:29 am by ario »

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Re: Capture One Pro 7 - The Catalog is garbage software!
« Reply #2 on: April 21, 2014, 01:57:20 am »

Under Preferences/General you can easily find the location of your catalog backups.
Mine are under Application Support/Capture One/ Backups (in the user library)

Thanks for the tip.

I looked at Application support, but unfortunately there's no Capture One folder - I could only find Adobe.

I cannot look under preferences/general, because I can't open Capture One Pro - always crashes upon opening.
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Re: Capture One Pro 7 - The Catalog is garbage software!
« Reply #3 on: April 21, 2014, 04:06:47 am »

We hear this over and over again how Phase One fails its users.  Perhaps if there was a concerted effort to boycott them, i.e. stop buying their products, they just might get the message.


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Re: Capture One Pro 7 - The Catalog is garbage software!
« Reply #4 on: April 21, 2014, 09:01:28 am »

Are you using Mac or Win?  If Win, you might try a system restore to a previous point say a couple of days before the crash.  With Win 7, most times I have to run a system restore from safe mode.   But the system restore might fix the issue of the crashing of C1. 

If Apple, I can't help other than a time machine backup? 

I image my main drive once a week, so worst cast I can get back everything except the last weeks changes on C: This is windows 7 and Acronis.

I realize this does not address you concern over the catalog and stability. 


Paul Caldwell
Little Rock, Arkansas U.S.

Doug Peterson

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Re: Capture One Pro 7 - The Catalog is garbage software!
« Reply #5 on: April 21, 2014, 07:15:37 pm »

Thanks for the tip.

I looked at Application support, but unfortunately there's no Capture One folder - I could only find Adobe.

I cannot look under preferences/general, because I can't open Capture One Pro - always crashes upon opening.

You're looking in the wrong library.

Start in the finder
Select the "Go" dropdown menu option
Hold Option and note that a "library" option appears

Then go into application support and preferences.

If you don't love the catalog, or you're having repeated issues with it, you can always use the session structure which C1 has used for a decade+. Or you can do a hybrid workflow between C1 and LR or Aperture.

The View

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Re: Capture One Pro 7 - The Catalog is garbage software!
« Reply #6 on: April 21, 2014, 11:26:20 pm »

In regards to a suggestion to use sessions: no, not for me, never used them.

Before the catalog came up, I was using the regular folder tree that showed on the side - just like it does in Adobe Bridge.

To Phase One:

You need to do an announcement that you are sorry for the trouble your unstable catalog has caused many, many users.

Then you need to announce the date when Capture One Pro 7.5 will be out with a widely rewritten code for the catalog (tossing out that old code that Phase One took from Microsoft Expressions, written for much older computers). And, as you are at it, getting keywording to the great level it's been done in the Lightroom catalog since version 1.

And this must not be a paid upgrade.

On the other hand, many say that Phase One is an arrogant company with a condescending attitude towards its customers.

If those people are right, we will never see a 7.5.

The View of deserts, forests, mountains. Not the TV show that I have never watched.

David Grover / Capture One

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Re: Capture One Pro 7 - The Catalog is garbage software!
« Reply #7 on: April 22, 2014, 03:49:23 am »

Hi The View,

Please contact support so we can resolve your issue quickly.  There is not much to say on the forum as we don't have the complete picture.

If you want to browse the folder tree as you did in version 6, there is still this option in version 7.  There is no change from 6 to 7 in functionality in this respect.

With regards to catalog backups, Doug is also right, in that you need to look in the location he describes.  I would also suggest that you could change the location of your catalog backup - it does not have to be in the default location.

Also, is the catalog not backed up in your normal backup routine?


David Grover
Business Support and Development Manager

Keith Reeder

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Re: Capture One Pro 7 - The Catalog is garbage software!
« Reply #8 on: April 22, 2014, 12:44:09 pm »

You need to do an announcement that you are sorry for the trouble your unstable catalog has caused many, many users.

"Many, many users"?

Care to back that up?
Keith Reeder
Blyth, NE England


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Re: Capture One Pro 7 - The Catalog is garbage software!
« Reply #9 on: April 24, 2014, 10:02:12 pm »

Never had much problem with Capture One and when I did it was always something I was doing or not doing. Questions always have been answered by support. I get the best RAW conversions out of files than any other program by far. For the first time in a long time I can skip PhotoShop and output a lot of my work right from Capture One. If I do that with LightRoom I am always feeling that I am not putting out my best results. Capture One is it for me!
Ian L. Sitren

Ronald Nyein Zaw Tan

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Re: Capture One Pro 7 - The Catalog is garbage software!
« Reply #10 on: April 25, 2014, 11:42:48 pm »

@The View:

I am also sorry C1PRO7's cataloging has created a quagmire for you. I also have my own dissatisfaction with C1PRO7's cataloging functionality. What I can vouch for, is that the C1PRO Tech Support is great at helping their customers find a solution.

I highly suggest, you try to calm down, take deep breaths, and submit a case report and make sure you mention the severity of your problem. I agree with you that the catalog isn't ready for prime time. I backup my C1PRO7 catalogs on a weekly basis for those unexpected "just in case" moments. So far so good for me.


The View

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Re: Capture One Pro 7 - The Catalog is garbage software!
« Reply #11 on: May 09, 2014, 01:39:54 am »

@The View:

I am also sorry C1PRO7's cataloging has created a quagmire for you. I also have my own dissatisfaction with C1PRO7's cataloging functionality. What I can vouch for, is that the C1PRO Tech Support is great at helping their customers find a solution.

I highly suggest, you try to calm down, take deep breaths, and submit a case report and make sure you mention the severity of your problem. I agree with you that the catalog isn't ready for prime time. I backup my C1PRO7 catalogs on a weekly basis for those unexpected "just in case" moments. So far so good for me.


Thanks, Ron.

I suppose until these catalog issues are fixed, Capture One Pro 7 should  come in a bundle with a book on breathing exercises.

I now keep two full copies of the catalog on different hard drives (including the previews, about 30 GB).
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Re: Capture One Pro 7 - The Catalog is garbage software!
« Reply #12 on: May 22, 2014, 06:29:48 pm »

Please contact support so we can resolve your issue quickly.  There is not much to say on the forum as we don't have the complete picture.

Some problems are beyond fixing. I recently noticed that images were missing from my catalog. When I tried to reimport them, I got the message that the images are already in catalog. So I contacted support... Long story short, we found that my catalog does not pass the validity check and can not be fixed. I have back-ups of catalog going back to January 2014. All of those backups have the same issue. I never realized there was a problem. Nothing that support can do about it.

So I am having to create a new catalog from scratch. Fortunately my bad catalog still opens, so I exported all modified images from it to save my work. It will be a challenge now to move those back into my folder organization and import in new catalog.

Besides the instability, working in catalog is really slow. I have 60k+ images in catalog and working in a smart folder is excruciating (like it takes several minutes to open the folder, and a minute to open an image). C1 memory usage is typically 9-10GB at this point. LR is usually around 1Gb and goes to 2-3 GB in heavy edits.
« Last Edit: May 22, 2014, 06:37:44 pm by sunnycal »


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Re: Capture One Pro 7 - The Catalog is garbage software!
« Reply #13 on: May 22, 2014, 06:33:10 pm »

Never had much problem with Capture One and when I did it was always something I was doing or not doing. Questions always have been answered by support. I get the best RAW conversions out of files than any other program by far. For the first time in a long time I can skip PhotoShop and output a lot of my work right from Capture One. If I do that with LightRoom I am always feeling that I am not putting out my best results. Capture One is it for me!

C1 as a Raw processor is one of the best, if not the best. The OP is complaining about catalog handling.

Ronald Nyein Zaw Tan

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Re: Capture One Pro 7 - The Catalog is garbage software!
« Reply #14 on: May 22, 2014, 07:41:24 pm »

Let me preface by stating that if P1 announces version 8 24 hours from now, I would say, "SHUT UP AND TAKE MY [UPGRADE] MONEY!!!" I have been a long time user of the PRO since version 3.7.8.

However, when version 7 came out, the new RAW engine and the cataloging was herald as selling points.

I can tell you from experience that version 7 (7.2.2 PRO) cataloging is not up to par with the cataloging of LR 5.4. The Smart Collection takes several seconds to load a single configuration with one keyword. For example, I have a male nudes project and I embedded a specific keyword to those images. When setting up a Smart Album to pull those files, C1PRO7.2.2 takes a while until it was able to show ALL the images from my male nudes collection.

How do I know it is slow?

I installed my 5.4 LR trial and I repeated the same Smart Album setup. LR 5.4 pulls up those images near-instantaneously.


Jimmy D Uptain

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Re: Capture One Pro 7 - The Catalog is garbage software!
« Reply #15 on: May 22, 2014, 10:12:18 pm »

Let me preface by stating that if P1 announces version 8 24 hours from now, I would say, "SHUT UP AND TAKE MY [UPGRADE] MONEY!!!" I have been a long time user of the PRO since version 3.7.8.

However, when version 7 came out, the new RAW engine and the cataloging was herald as selling points.

I can tell you from experience that version 7 (7.2.2 PRO) cataloging is not up to par with the cataloging of LR 5.4. The Smart Collection takes several seconds to load a single configuration with one keyword. For example, I have a male nudes project and I embedded a specific keyword to those images. When setting up a Smart Album to pull those files, C1PRO7.2.2 takes a while until it was able to show ALL the images from my male nudes collection.

How do I know it is slow?

I installed my 5.4 LR trial and I repeated the same Smart Album setup. LR 5.4 pulls up those images near-instantaneously.

Yup. I love C1 and despise it at the same time. I have a buddy who's a great photographer. Anyway he laughs at me as I'm always swapping camps. And by "always" I mean weekly.
I'm a pretty moody guy. Sometimes I'm in the mood for Lightroom, sometimes C1. I have figured a way to get my LR images on par par with C1 but not consistently. I have never even wanted to make my C1 images emulate Lightroom.
However, I have yet to question, let alone ditch LR's cataloging and printing capabilities for that of C1.
I guess that kinda sums it up.
Yeah, I'm all over the place



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Re: Capture One Pro 7 - The Catalog is garbage software!
« Reply #16 on: May 23, 2014, 10:12:53 pm »

Sometimes I'm in the mood for Lightroom, sometimes C1. I have figured a way to get my LR images on par par with C1 but not consistently. I have never even wanted to make my C1 images emulate Lightroom.
However, I have yet to question, let alone ditch LR's cataloging and printing capabilities for that of C1.
I guess that kinda sums it up.
Yeah, I'm all over the place

Just like me..
I catalog with LR, and attack my very good shots with CO (using Media Pro and CO in a sessions mode)

The View

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Re: Capture One Pro 7 - The Catalog is garbage software!
« Reply #17 on: May 24, 2014, 03:48:17 am »

Just like me..
I catalog with LR, and attack my very good shots with CO (using Media Pro and CO in a sessions mode)

How reliable is Media One?

Can you replace the Capture One catalog with Media One? Or is it very similar and one would just trade one problem with another?
The View of deserts, forests, mountains. Not the TV show that I have never watched.


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Re: Capture One Pro 7 - The Catalog is garbage software!
« Reply #18 on: May 24, 2014, 08:49:59 am »

How reliable is Media One?

Can you replace the Capture One catalog with Media One? Or is it very similar and one would just trade one problem with another?
I find Media One quite reliable - as long as I have patience with it. I use two catalogs, a large one with "all photos" and a small one for recent work which is now just 2014 photos. The large one sometimes takes a long time to save or rebuild files and your pc will say:not responding. Have patience, don't touch the keyboard, and MP will return.

I don't use the CO catalog. MP is a real DAM. I send my files to be processed into a CO session with MP

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Re: Capture One Pro 7 - The Catalog is garbage software!
« Reply #19 on: May 24, 2014, 03:24:48 pm »

I find Media One quite reliable - as long as I have patience with it. I use two catalogs, a large one with "all photos" and a small one for recent work which is now just 2014 photos. The large one sometimes takes a long time to save or rebuild files and your pc will say:not responding. Have patience, don't touch the keyboard, and MP will return.

I don't use the CO catalog. MP is a real DAM. I send my files to be processed into a CO session with MP

The OP of the thread "How do you catalog your images" says Media One is very slow and unintuitive to find images.

What do you think about this?

Also: does keywording work - or is it as painfully bad as in the CO catalog? (where it needs so many step it's basically unusable).
The View of deserts, forests, mountains. Not the TV show that I have never watched.
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