A question: I really don't put much weight on labels, so it's not meant to be a challenge or attack... but what do the various readers of this thread consider to be "abstract"?
-I'd certainly put Rob C's blobs and streaks of colour in that category, even if I can work out that at some point a car tail-light was involved.
-Reflections in water can so break up the original image that it becomes an unidentifiable colour collage, or a just-slightly distorted reflection, or somewhere in between. For you personally, how far along that scale does the image remain abstract?
-John R's image above could be taken as a classical piece of architectural photography. We all know it's a stair case, all the details are present and undistorted. However they also have compositional arrangement that would allow them to still form an interesting image if one hit one's head hard enough to forget about the existence of staircases. Is that sufficient?
-Would the same be true of, for eg, one of Bill Brandt's nudes?