Very cool comment, John.
I have not yet perfected the motion abstraction process..
…And it looked exactly the same when I put my glasses on.
Yellow SC Trees. Experiment with Nikon 1 v2. Not the universe, but pleasing, I think.
Quite pleasing. I like how you isolated a small section and made it come to life. What shutter speed did you use?So you bought a V2? My brother had the V1. I tried and really liked how quick and versatile the camera was.My universe was wine at the bottom of a glass. Of course, I had to drink most of it first!JR
I've had the v2 for a few years and like having a camera held to my face, though not the EVF lag. I take it whenever I don't want the heavy 850 kit or want a low profile camera that does acceptably well, esp with super resolution or Gigapixel, but this is ~10x15 inches, plenty for online posting. Exp: 1/30 sec, f/16, ISO 160, @100 mm. We'd had enough wine the night before, so my universe was a little wobbly
Well this is interesting. You really have to whip the camera around to get a blur at 1/30. I generally shoot at between 1/8 to 1/4 of sec. I occasionally do go outside those parameters when I think I may want a more soft or blurry effect.JR