Thanks for the kind remarks, people.
John's not far off target: I do feel I live most of my present life trying to be somewhere else. I could even say that it goes beyond that, to knowing that I have also felt myself never to belong fully anywhere at all. Perhaps it's due to living in several different countries as a kid, and then again years later on. Perhaps all of us who never really grew up living in any single home town feel that way. In fact, there are times when I look at my life, both the good and the bad of it, and think that I never actually managed to grow up at all, which probably explains why I have enjoyed so much of it. I have also come to realise that I have been truly blessed, and am not at all sure why. Even the hard bits turned out good in that they gave me the inner strength to handle spiritual pain. Crack my leg and I scream as loudly as the next!