I apologize for my fora/forums comment if my tone offended anyone. There are some things that I have a hard time with, and fora/forums is one of them, along with looser and a couple others.
Further up, I suggested that Lula might be richer if Schewe would chip in with some of his expertise, and he came back and said he was surprised to hear that from me. That's because, like Jeff, and as Jeff knows, I'm a professional writer, and like all professional writers, we really want to get paid for writing. Writing for free is like the grocery store giving you a free sack of potatoes because they're feeling good about you. Won't happen. I know professional writers who volunteer for all kinds of things, no pay required...but they generally are very reluctant to write free things.
However, I've got a concept in the back of my head, but I've got to talk to one of the forum members before trying it out. If he goes along, we'll probably try it out here. We'll see.