These critical posts crop up now and again, and always surprise me: it's free, for heaven's sake, and everything in life exept mother's love has to be paid for in one manner or another - there is absolutely no obligation to buy anything, and neither is there obligation to read adverts.
Were I in the market for buying trips, I'd rather do them in the company of people whose talents I can see in front of my nose than by a set of cellphone wielders - I can do that by myself quite well.
I am not overly bothered by any 'lack' of equipment reviews either: I have what I need and/or can afford, and the rest of photography, the personal part, what I shoot, is my responsibility; there is no need for others to tell me what I could explore, and if I were that challenged in the imagination area, I'd be best giving up on any visual medium altogether. But perhaps I've preached that before.
Insofar as complaints I may have: nothing to do with the management of LuLa, and everything to do with the contributors; we get what we are, and if we don't have the wit to make the content gripping, then isn't that sort of our failure? Its surprising to me when I think of the high number of readers we get, regular as well as passing trade, that there are so few people posting images. There is so much noise made about the zillions of pix available all over the Internet, yet we still receive ours from a regular minority of viewers. This may be a good thing or it may not; whatever the truth, I have seen a lot of great imagery here and for those who venture into the MF/Pro(ish) zone, some really top-grade material is availble just for the looking. There are talented car photographers, architectural and fashion/advertising guys posting there - what's not to like? And they answer questions and give real advice.
LuLa's a kind of party in someone else's home; it gets as good as the guests make it: the hosts provide venue and a lot of home cheer. We can make it swing or just collect our coats at ten or eleven o'clock and retire home to bed.
Rob C