I have read and re-read things on this site for nearly a decade, is that possible?
I needed a place to get information after I switched to Digital Photography, and maybe a place to get affirmation in regards, to the validity of "digital" photography.
It was a big deal for me, I was investing in something that was not particularly well regarded at the time.
It was a time in my life when each dollar counted, and I usually felt pretty confident that the information I read in the articles here would be presented in a very professional manor, and you could "take it to the bank" as they say.
One article on digital work flow was no less than a game changer for the way I handled my digital files!
This site has been a go to place for enjoyment, information and humor (in the forum sections, as the comments degenerate into a screeching tribe of monkeys in the treetops.) for a long time.
To hear some people talk about the changes here in a negative way to me is just nonsense. Today's insights given FOR FREE! By Alain Briot offered some very timely for me thoughts in regards to Business; "Its' the marketing Stupid" :-)
Three years ago I took the plunge, and started earning my living Full time as a photographer, something I had dreamed about and had been working towards for a very long time. (nothing you can't accomplish with 14 hour days!)
On February 1st, I will take over a full gallery space in a very high end location. (or maybe 16 hour days!)
For all the time effort and content I personally owe a very large thank you, to Luminous landscape and everyone connected with it, just well done, in every respect, even the boring stuff is ok...
Luminous Landscape has always been a very fine place and I am sure will continue to uphold its well earned reputation, irregardless of what a very small minority of people have to say.
I am sure there are countless, numbers of photographers, like me that have similar stories and owe Luminous Landscape a debt of gratitude, so onward and upward to the site!
warmest regards,
Lee Rylee
Honolulu, Hawaii