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Author Topic: LuLa, what's happening to you?  (Read 21404 times)

Jim Pascoe

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Re: LuLa, what's happening to you?
« Reply #40 on: December 08, 2013, 08:46:51 am »

Michael, I took the original post as constructive feedback, but it appears that is neither wanted or valued.

The arrogance is astounding.

I wish you and your millions of fanboys the best.

Bye, bye
Bill McClure

Bill, I think the post was taken as constructive feed back and Michael has thanked people for their views.  However I do actually admire the fact that he is honest about his motivations in running LuLa and is sticking to his (and now Kevin's) gut feeling about how the site should evolve.  It cannot be run by a committee of hundreds of visitors and Michael and Kevin did not ask for this post either.  Seeing as the vast majority of the visitors to LuLa do not contribute either financially or in the forums at all, they cannot aim to please everyone.  Perhaps a PM to the sites owners would be more appreciated if you feel strongly about something rather than posting in the forums (though I appreciate you did not start this thread).  Yes the site has changed, and I do find less to interest me - though there have been some excellent articles recently too.
Keep it up Lula - I might even consider a subscription!



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Re: LuLa, what's happening to you?
« Reply #41 on: December 08, 2013, 09:10:17 am »

Truth is, I found little "constructive" in the OP "comments".

The desire for certain tests is understandable. I'd like to see them as well. But we do what we can do, and hope that others in the industry fulfill unanswered needs. We don't see it as our mission to satisfy everyone's requests.

Articles on printing? Really? Between our articles, reviews and video tutorials this site has published more about printing than anyone else on the web. Literally more, not hyperbolically. The sad truth though is that the printing side of digital imaging has hit the wall, with little really new by way of printers, papers and inks in some four years. In fact, I forecast this on these pages three years ago. The technology had made rapid advancements over the previous ten years and then plateaued.

But, enough of this. If people think me rude, then so be it. Having a hissy fit and storming off simply shows immaturity, but frankly if someone does I don't give a shit. We have 999,999 other people to try and satisfy. Oh yes, and ourselves first and foremost.



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Re: LuLa, what's happening to you?
« Reply #42 on: December 08, 2013, 09:28:30 am »

I wouldn't worry about it Michael, some will come and some will go, it is the nature of the business, but I think you will find the vast majority of us are going to remain here for the long haul   :)



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Re: LuLa, what's happening to you?
« Reply #43 on: December 08, 2013, 10:10:47 am »

Michael and lula team,
You have learned little from the previous posts except that some of what you are doing is pleasing most of your readers. With only 3 pages of comments most viewers are abstaining from commenting, so I would like to commend you and your team for having a very educational and fun site.
The complainers didn't put the hours in, put up the monies to travel and gather the facts. But best of all they come to your site, whether they want to or not is not the question.  They come because they have to if they want the facts, where else are they going to go. Michael your strongest point is that you have surrounded your self with people in the industry that help LULU tell the real story.

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Rob C

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Re: LuLa, what's happening to you?
« Reply #44 on: December 08, 2013, 01:03:19 pm »

Michael and lula team,
You have learned little from the previous posts except that some of what you are doing is pleasing most of your readers. With only 3 pages of comments most viewers are abstaining from commenting, so I would like to commend you and your team for having a very educational and fun site.
The complainers didn't put the hours in, put up the monies to travel and gather the facts. But best of all they come to your site, whether they want to or not is not the question.  They come because they have to if they want the facts, where else are they going to go. Michael your strongest point is that you have surrounded your self with people in the industry that help LULU tell the real story.


Lulu is a Scots lass; even more importantly, a Glaswegian one: she can tell her own story - and quite forcefully at that, should she need so to do!


Rob C

Kirk Gittings

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Re: LuLa, what's happening to you?
« Reply #45 on: December 08, 2013, 04:46:32 pm »

And, your point is?

If the site is less interesting to some but more to others what is the problem?

This stuff averages out over time...if you give it time.

I will give it time. I don't know of a better site, which is not really saying much these days frankly. Maybe I am just outgrowing these type of forums or maybe you guys have just run out of steam or both. Frankly maybe I think the whole industry is in the doldrums-very little being offered which is really exciting and all forums maybe reflect that. Digital is no longer a revolution, increased resolution is an "ok that's nice, ho-hum", IQ increase is largely incremental. What is there to get excited about? Mirrorless? Seriously? Another trip to a well traveled region like Iceland or the Antarctic? That was interesting a few years ago, but not really now. Another moronic article on the ubiquitous overcooked landscapes? I think not.

It appears as though you guys are not really interested in any criticism, constructive or otherwise but literally the only thing I continue to find worth checking in here everyday is the thread on "Recent Professional Works 2" where pros around the world (many in my own field) show what they are working on.

Kirk Gittings

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Re: LuLa, what's happening to you?
« Reply #46 on: December 08, 2013, 05:14:18 pm »

Michael, well stated. Enough said.



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Re: LuLa, what's happening to you?
« Reply #47 on: December 08, 2013, 05:19:11 pm »

I think it's unfair to suggest that they're not interested in criticism.  Sometimes it will resonate with them, other times it won't - they're just being honest.

It's like posts complaining about printers or cameras - a few vocal examples does not a market make.  It's important those concerns and examples are made and recorded, but there shouldn't be any expectation of instant or mass change as a result.
Phil Brown


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Re: LuLa, what's happening to you?
« Reply #48 on: December 08, 2013, 07:25:19 pm »

I think it's unfair to suggest that they're not interested in criticism.  Sometimes it will resonate with them, other times it won't - they're just being honest.

It's like posts complaining about printers or cameras - a few vocal examples does not a market make.  It's important those concerns and examples are made and recorded, but there shouldn't be any expectation of instant or mass change as a result.
Well said.
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Re: LuLa, what's happening to you?
« Reply #49 on: December 08, 2013, 07:27:25 pm »


I have read and re-read things on this site for nearly a decade, is that possible?
I needed a place to get information after I switched to Digital Photography, and maybe a place to get affirmation in regards, to the validity of "digital" photography.
It was a big deal for me, I was investing in something that was not particularly well regarded at the time.
It was a time in my life when each dollar counted, and I usually felt pretty confident that the information I read in the articles here would be presented in a very professional manor, and you could "take it to the bank" as they say.

One article on digital work flow was no less than a game changer for the way I handled my digital files!

This site has been a go to place for enjoyment, information and humor (in the forum sections, as the comments degenerate into a screeching tribe of monkeys in the treetops.) for a long time. 

To hear some people talk about the changes here in a negative way to me is just nonsense. Today's insights given FOR FREE! By Alain Briot offered some very timely for me thoughts in regards to Business; "Its' the marketing Stupid" :-)

Three years ago I took the plunge, and started earning my living Full time as a photographer, something I had dreamed about and had been working towards for a very long time. (nothing you can't accomplish with 14 hour days!)
On February 1st, I will take over a full gallery space in a very high end location. (or maybe 16 hour days!)

For all the time effort and content I personally owe a very large thank you, to Luminous landscape and everyone connected with it, just well done, in every respect, even the boring stuff is ok...

Luminous Landscape has always been a very fine place and I am sure will continue to uphold its well earned reputation, irregardless of what a very small minority of people have to say.
I am sure there are countless, numbers of photographers, like me that have similar stories and owe Luminous Landscape a debt of gratitude, so onward and upward to the site!

warmest regards,

Lee Rylee
Honolulu, Hawaii

Kirk Gittings

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Re: LuLa, what's happening to you?
« Reply #50 on: December 08, 2013, 08:15:43 pm »

I think it's unfair to suggest that they're not interested in criticism.  Sometimes it will resonate with them, other times it won't - they're just being honest.

Really? Have you read their responses above?
Kirk Gittings


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Re: LuLa, what's happening to you?
« Reply #51 on: December 08, 2013, 08:32:02 pm »

Yes, Kirk.  I read them.  I didn't read into them.  Important difference.

Take things at face value whenever you can and always give the benefit of any doubt - it makes life a lot easier, particularly on the internet (and I speak with some experience, having been a netizen for nearly 23 years).
Phil Brown

Bernard ODonovan

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Re: LuLa, what's happening to you?
« Reply #52 on: December 08, 2013, 08:39:49 pm »

Never look a gift horse in the mouth...

Kirk Gittings

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Re: LuLa, what's happening to you?
« Reply #53 on: December 09, 2013, 12:22:18 am »

Having been a moderator of a pretty busy and contentious, not-for-profit, photography forum for many years (over 1 million posts, nearly 100,000 threads, 27k members). We have (I am no longer a moderator-too busy with my photography) no need for warm bodies but I think we are more receptive to criticism than what I discern here. This site needs warm bodies so I don't get it.
« Last Edit: December 09, 2013, 02:53:01 am by Kirk Gittings »
Kirk Gittings


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Re: LuLa, what's happening to you?
« Reply #54 on: December 09, 2013, 02:41:29 pm »

First, part of the problem may be that we have all been beneficiaries of LuLa and thus are much more informed than we use to be, which might make us a bit more/too :) picky.

Second, Michael has left number crunching to others, and for one, I prefer his two cents worth over most other equipment reviews.

Third, making money is good.

Fourth, Michael has a bit of the mama bear in him so be careful about messing with his cub.

Kirk Gittings

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Re: LuLa, what's happening to you?
« Reply #55 on: December 09, 2013, 02:51:25 pm »

First, part of the problem may be that we have all been beneficiaries of LuLa and thus are much more informed than we use to be, which might make us a bit more/too :) picky.

Second, Michael has left number crunching to others, and for one, I prefer his two cents worth over most other equipment reviews.

Third, making money is good.

Fourth, Michael has a bit of the mama bear in him so be careful about messing with his cub.

agree completely!
Kirk Gittings


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Re: LuLa, what's happening to you?
« Reply #56 on: December 09, 2013, 05:01:37 pm »



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Re: LuLa, what's happening to you?
« Reply #57 on: December 09, 2013, 10:28:10 pm »

Looks like Michael's decided to take a quick break from the forum....

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Tony Jay

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Re: LuLa, what's happening to you?
« Reply #58 on: December 10, 2013, 02:04:12 am »

Perhaps he's bearly there?


John Camp

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Re: LuLa, what's happening to you?
« Reply #59 on: December 10, 2013, 04:01:33 am »

I agree that the forum isn't as interesting as it used to be, but that's because the revolution is over. A few years ago, there were wide variations in the quality of equipment and sensors, and to get the best out of the equipment, you had to climb a pretty steep learning curve. Now, not so much, and the technical stuff has grown increasingly arcane and inane. I do think the forum could use a little refurbishing, a push from the leadership in the direction of aesthetics and technique, and a withdrawal from the emphasis on technology. To take two recent articles as examples (and they were both good.) Mike wrote a good review of the new Sony, but I suspect the interest was extremely limited. Sure, it's a decent camera, but the world is lousy with decent cameras. Then there was the article on landscape astrophotography. I thought it was excellent, and it was one of the few articles I've seen here in the last year or so that made me think, "I gotta do that." With hundreds and possibly thousands of excellent photographers frequenting this site, would it be possible for the management to reach out to certain of those photographers to suggest that an (unpaid) submission on their particular photographic enthusiasm would be welcomed here? A couple of landscape astrophotography-like articles a week would really change this place around, and for the better, I think.

(But I really like it here, and will keep coming back.)
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