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Author Topic: Capture One 7.0.2  (Read 15416 times)

Gerry Walden

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Re: Capture One 7.0.2
« Reply #20 on: January 15, 2013, 01:38:03 am »

To be frank, yes! I am asking to be allowed to try a product I helped beta test and identified faults with. For example Lionel Kuhlmann said in reply to one of my emails "We know we have some import issues ... It will be fixed in the final version." Is it unreasonable to be able to check that this and the other issues I encountered have in fact been fixed?

Gerry Walden


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Re: Capture One 7.0.2
« Reply #21 on: January 15, 2013, 01:38:53 am »

Do you really expect individual support if you haven't purchased any software?
Hmm, if I can not get pre-sales questions answered, how would I develop any trust in a vendor?
I'll find out, I've sent in a support question and entered trial in the serial number field.
C1 has nice colors, but that does not help if the product is otherwise defunct.



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Re: Capture One 7.0.2
« Reply #22 on: January 15, 2013, 05:18:40 am »

To be frank, yes! I am asking to be allowed to try a product I helped beta test and identified faults with. For example Lionel Kuhlmann said in reply to one of my emails "We know we have some import issues ... It will be fixed in the final version." Is it unreasonable to be able to check that this and the other issues I encountered have in fact been fixed?


If you are beta testing and in email contact then maybe you could email back? ::)


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Re: Capture One 7.0.2
« Reply #23 on: January 15, 2013, 05:51:25 am »

Hmm, if I can not get pre-sales questions answered, how would I develop any trust in a vendor?

Hi Andreas,

Which specific questions do you need answered? Have you tried their forums to check whether others have asked and/or have experienced the same you may have?

I'll find out, I've sent in a support question and entered trial in the serial number field.
C1 has nice colors, but that does not help if the product is otherwise defunct.

I hope you have been more specific in your request for support. You are suggesting the product is defunct. Are you sure that your computer does not play any role in it, or that user error, or a ('pre-sale) learning curve, or wrong expectations, play a role? I certainly cannot say what happened, or how to solve it, since you gave no info.

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Re: Capture One 7.0.2
« Reply #24 on: January 15, 2013, 06:01:49 am »

Which specific questions do you need answered? Have you tried their forums to check whether others have asked and/or have experienced the same you may have?
In the forum I got an answer, a request for more clarification and then no further reply on that clarification...

I hope you have been more specific in your request for support.
Of course.

You are suggesting the product is defunct. Are you sure that your computer does not play any role in it, or that user error, or a ('pre-sale) learning curve, or wrong expectations, play a role? I certainly cannot say what happened, or how to solve it, since you gave no info.
I was not asking for help here, merely pointing out that people who do evaluate software will quickly drop it if they do not get pre-sales question answered.
By now I have an answer back from support (so they do answer pre-sales questions!), that I can only verify later today when I am at the machine that has C1 installed. 
There is at least a documentation defect (file tab of the recipe tool is not documented in the online help), whether the behavior is a bug or a misunderstanding will need checking with an actual installation.


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Re: Capture One 7.0.2
« Reply #25 on: January 15, 2013, 10:17:40 am »

No, I cannot start a support case because to do so you need a product key number to enter in one of the boxes on the form. Because I have not bought the product yet I do not have this number so it is a catch 22 situation.

As you noted after this post, you can simply put "none" or "trial" or whatever into that field if that is the relevant response.

Phase One Support is really good about getting back to cases fast. All of the support team is in the US, Denmark, or Japan and are all highly trained  (no minimum wage employees or Indian outsourcing), and (at least all the ones I've met) are really great people. But you do have to contact them (and not ask for support via user forums) if you want them to help.

Gerry Walden

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Re: Capture One 7.0.2
« Reply #26 on: January 15, 2013, 10:52:36 am »

I have tried contacting Capture One support and this is their reply:

I apologize but we do not control the Trial Period remotely. When the software is first installed it notes the time and begins the trial.
If you have another computer you can download and begin a new trial but the current machine cannot be reopened to allow for further trial period.


Gerry Walden

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Re: Capture One 7.0.2
« Reply #27 on: January 15, 2013, 11:57:41 am »

I have now purchased version 7.0.2 from rather than direct from Phase One. I found the support and help from Chris Ireland to be very good, and would strongly suggest he is a worthwhile source of Phase One equipment and software.

Gerry Walden


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Re: Capture One 7.0.2
« Reply #28 on: January 15, 2013, 01:20:10 pm »

I have tried contacting Capture One support and this is their reply:

I apologize but we do not control the Trial Period remotely. When the software is first installed it notes the time and begins the trial.
If you have another computer you can download and begin a new trial but the current machine cannot be reopened to allow for further trial period.



It's not clear from your blog or this thread: did the beta count as an installation towards the trial period? If yes, that's wrong. The trial period is for the release software and the beta is ... just that, beta software. I don't think it's unreasonable to expect to be able to test the software before buying it?


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Re: Capture One 7.0.2
« Reply #29 on: January 15, 2013, 02:47:02 pm »

It's not clear from your blog or this thread: did the beta count as an installation towards the trial period? If yes, that's wrong.

Apparently it was.

The trial period is for the release software and the beta is ... just that, beta software. I don't think it's unreasonable to expect to be able to test the software before buying it?

They probably never anticipated the scenario that a beta user didn't have a licence already, and had no intention to upgrade for a relatively modest amount. Not upgrading after going through the trouble of familiarizing oneself with the software, and a new general setup of features, and beta testing (filing feedback reports), is also a bit strange to imagine, but stranger things happen.

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Doug Peterson

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Re: Capture One 7.0.2
« Reply #30 on: January 15, 2013, 03:15:14 pm »

Sure it's not possible you had installed and launched Capture One at some point in the past? The trial is 60 days and begins the first time you launch the software (any version). If it just expired then you must have had first launched it around November 15th, far before the beta for 7.0.2 was made.

My best guess (please correct or confirm) is that you installed 7.0 and ran (at least once) when it was first released, but, for whatever reason (early version bugs?) didn't use it, so mostly forgot about it. That started your 60 day trial. Then you heard about the beta and signed up for it and used it and then, coincidentally the 60 day trial happened to expire right around when 7.0.2 was released.

That does leave you in an unfortunate position since it's reasonable to want to trial the specific version you plan to buy. But there has to be some compromise - if every time a new release was made they reset the trials then there would never be a time when you had to pay (since it is almost always updated more frequently than once every 60 days). In general I find the 60 day trial period to be very generous, but of course, there are exceptions and your case seems to be one where it kind of bit you in the butt!


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Re: Capture One 7.0.2
« Reply #31 on: January 15, 2013, 04:48:13 pm »

The 60 day trial period is pretty darn generous imho lol.  But, if you really want to reset the trial:

1.  Try another computer.

2.  Run it in a virtual machine (easy and free).

3.  Take this opportunity to format your drive and install Windows 8 (a formatted drive will give you a fresh 60 days).

Option 2 is the easiest if you must see if something works before you pay.  Option 3 is nice, with start8 (it's only 4.99 to get the start menu back).  It's not like capture one really costs a ton of money either, not like paying for cs6 extended or something lol, and it really does have the best NR around at this point imho.

Now, if qpcard could get icc profile support for it or if C1 could support dcp ... whistles innocently.


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Re: Capture One 7.0.2
« Reply #32 on: January 15, 2013, 05:43:31 pm »

They probably never anticipated the scenario that a beta user didn't have a licence already, and had no intention to upgrade for a relatively modest amount. Not upgrading after going through the trouble of familiarizing oneself with the software, and a new general setup of features, and beta testing (filing feedback reports), is also a bit strange to imagine, but stranger things happen.


I think this is a bit different.

But here is my logic: I download version 7 to try it out and see if it's for me. It crashes all the time (it did for me; I'm back to v6). Then you see the offer here if you want to beta test. You think "sure, this way I get to familiarize myself with the program and see if now it works". Then the new release is out. You want to see if now the software works but you can't evaluate it now.

It's one thing to evaluate a stable software (and functional) and a different thing to try to evaluate something that doesn't work. For me, it literally crashed every other thing I tried to do, regardless if I used sessions or catalog. I did a clean install and still had the same problems. Yes, you could install it on another computer, but I want to try it on my production computer that I will use the software with.

Yes, their trial period is generous, but only if you can use the software during that period. If it doesn't work, it doesn't matter if the period is two weeks or six months.


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Re: Capture One 7.0.2
« Reply #33 on: January 15, 2013, 11:22:15 pm »

With all the issues many have had with 7.0 and 7.0.1 I think that there are a lot of people out there
that could not get to see the app run smoothly and have gone over their 60 days.

This will impact sales as most people who had a bad experience so far with 7.0 will want to see 7.0.2 running smoothly
before they go out and buy it especially in consideration of the support
for many inexpensive cameras.

They really should release these updates with at least an extension.

I'm sure this could be done remotely with a patch.


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Re: Capture One 7.0.2
« Reply #34 on: January 16, 2013, 04:51:22 am »

With all the issues many have had with 7.0 and 7.0.1 I think that there are a lot of people out there
that could not get to see the app run smoothly and have gone over their 60 days.

Hi Fred,

Just out of curiosity, on what do you base that thought?

I too had 'crashes', but I also had the previous version, so work could continue. I also saw that the demosaicing quality had improved enough to decide and still upgrade, despite the initial spontaneous closings of the program. It always happened when I clicked on something (GPU display accelleration issue?).

Then a few days later, even before I opened a formal support case, out of the blue I got an email from PhaseOne's Lionel Kuhlmann who had picked up the first automatic crashreport, and he gave me a list of things I could try while they were looking into the issue. I disabled the Hardware acceleration for the display which I already suspected to play a role, set it from Automatic to Never in Preferences, and I think I only experienced a single crash since. After the release of Version 7.01, I tried setting the Hardware acceleration back to Automatic, and all was well, for me.

There are of course numerous hardware / OS combinations, so it's impossible for me (and you) to draw any general conclusions other than suspecting that the hardware acceleration may have played a major role, not the only but a major one, in the reported stability issues. I have no idea whether those affected had up-to-date drivers, and adequate hardware (incl. motherboard/memory firmware and drivers), and tried disabling the hardware acceleration in the Capture One preferences.

The initial release Version 7.00 was introduced around October 25th, 2012. A month later NVIDIA updated the drivers for my Graphics card in November. Then around December 11th, within 60 days of first release, Version 7.01 was announced. That release apparently improved stability for a number of people who still had issues or had the hardware acceleration disabled, like me, but presumably not for everybody. NVIDIA released another driver update in the mean time, which may have cured other related issues. Don't know what other Graphic card vendors did in the mean time. Those who still had unsolvable issues (assuming they tried the suggested temporary workaround), may then have been helped by the latest Version 7.02 release.

These people, you say a lot, I wouldn't know how you got that info, may have exceeded their initial 60 day trial period if they were amongst the early bird installers of the new release 7.00.

They really should release these updates with at least an extension.

I agree that it is a pitty that it took this long (assuming it is solved now) and I am a bit surprised that it happened apparently (from reputable sources) at such a scale, but I also do not know whether the involved people did open a support case which might have led to someone at PhaseOne granting a temporary solution, e.g. a temporary activation that can be utilized for a limited period of time, just to see if the stability issue is solved.

I do not consider the support for a new type of Color Filter Array, or another new feature, the same as a stability issue though. It may take some time to improve the demosaicing quality, but that cannot be seen as a show stopper (since the camera presumably came with a working solution), but rather an inconvenience that will most likely be solved over time.

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Re: Capture One 7.0.2
« Reply #35 on: January 16, 2013, 04:52:22 am »

No, I cannot start a support case because to do so you need a product key number to enter in one of the boxes on the form. Because I have not bought the product yet I do not have this number so it is a catch 22 situation.


You do not. Just put "N/A", "trial" or "beta"
Software Product Manager - Phase One A/S

Steve Gordon

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Re: Capture One 7.0.2
« Reply #36 on: January 17, 2013, 07:39:17 am »

Still hasn't fixed the OpenCL processing bug for me.  :-[

Still everything else works good and quality is most of the goal, and it delivers.


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Re: Capture One 7.0.2
« Reply #37 on: January 17, 2013, 07:54:27 am »

Still hasn't fixed the OpenCL processing bug for me.  :-[

Hi Steve,

Make sure to also check for updated drivers for your Graphics card.

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Re: Capture One 7.0.2
« Reply #38 on: January 17, 2013, 08:35:28 am »

Yep, thanks, but I did update the graphics drivers, and still no luck.

Still, no biggie; I just have 3 beers instead of 1 whilst the images process.

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Re: Capture One 7.0.2
« Reply #39 on: January 17, 2013, 09:45:00 am »

I've been using C1 7.0.2 beta and now the released product and I am very happy with the decoding of the raf files from my X-E1.
Lionel, looks like you & your team have been able to solve the very difficult problem of demosaicing X-Trans files.

Now I'm anxious for the balance of the implementation to be completed (Auto Mask, LCC support for raf files) but that will be icing on the cake.
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